Last night ...


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
Last night Pix would just not go back into his cage and would play "catch me if you can nanner nanner nanner" when I tried to get him in. The babies were still out (which usually isnt an issue) and Serenity was being insanely protective of her cage. I was getting quite tired (this was an ordeal over a few hours lol) so I put the babies into their cage (I put them in there so they can get used to being in there and such - they love it by the way) and thought maybe Pix would go back in his cage (has worked before).

So the babies are charging around their cage and having a riot (Jade has started to play with a ring toy I have in there and has climbed to the top of his cage - what a monkey bird!). Pix sees the fun they are having and joins them! He hops in and makes himself quite at home! So, seeing as I was so tired, I give them some pellets and water (pellets so Pix can feed them and so they can play with them if they want - also Jades been trying water on his own for a few days now) and close the door. Serenity climbed up to the top of her cage, tucks in on one of the swings and falls asleep - I'm talking in minutes. Poor girl is exhausted I think - possibly why shes such a bitchy birdy?

Anyways, Pix was fine with it, he looked longingly over to Serenity for a little longer than it took her to fall asleep and then hunkered down himself. The babies were tucked in the little shelter thingy and they were all snoozing within half an hour. Yeah! Peace and everyone is safely in a cage wahoo!

Okay, this is the set up I have going on in there. I have a low edge plastic cat dish (the kind with a section for food and one for water), newspaper on top of the grate so tango can get around without falling through, an end piece of shoe box similar dimentions as the nest box with a little opening / door cut out and the back side cut out so they have shelter but are not completely closed in. There is also two low perches, a mineral block and the ring toy (like a skinny ring toy chain thing - I have it slumped on the floor but attached to the side).

So far this morning the babies have been in and out of their shelter box, flapping their wings wildly, and playing with each other (or napping). They are both at least beaking the pellets and have both (this morning) tried water on their own. They are maturing so fast and I am so proud of them. No crying for momma and poppa at all, and they are being very independent.

They have space and room to move around and get strong. They ahve been flapping on and off for about a half hour already and look like such little men. I will put Pix back in with them in a little bit (or when they are asking for food). Since this was such an amazingly successful trial by necessity I don't see any reason to stuff them back into the nest box. They can visit the babies and feed them in the babies cage (Pix will sleep with them too maybe). I will be removing the nest box today and putting it away I think. Serenity is being insanely aggressive with it and I hope it may calm her down allot.

I will post pictures of the little men in their big cage as soon as I have some.
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I have realized something about myself just now. I make short stories long don't I lol.
Woooohoooo! How nice! :)

Can't wait to see pics of the little ones in their new cage!:D

When you are away will you let the babies alone or will you put them with the parents in case they want to eat?:D

I'm sure they will be able to feed themselves in short time!

Good job and welldone!Looks like you did everything the right way and you bred successfully!:)
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Well, when I am going to be away I have Pix go in with them (also gives Serenity a break) and he goes and feeds them as needed. Also, Jade, the elder of the babies, has been chewing on lettuce and playing with pellets. Jade has learned some bad behavior from Serenity (aggression mainly) so I will need to work with (Jade) on that.
I see.. Pix is good father for sure!:)
And a good tempered birdy!But Serenity is tired probably!

Hmmm, little Jade is yet playing tough girl ! :D
That is great news, I'm so happy for them all. Babies sound like they are enjoying their little bit of independence, and are coping well with it all.

Can't wait to see the pics of the little (big) ones. They seem as if they are getting used to those wings, and before you know it they'll be lifting off. That is an amazing time.

The first time Kito flew was so amazing I cried, :) he looked so pleased with himself. Keep us informed. :D
tries to chomp though when BEING picked up lol.

Definately sounds like a gal. :D Do something she don't want and you better watch out. :D
tries to chomp though when BEING picked up lol.

Definately sounds like a gal. Do something she don't want and you better watch out.

like all females do... :cool:
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*chomps Peta just because its fun to chomp*
*chomps Peta just because its fun to chomp*

:17: See now you've made Peta Cry, :17: she don't like to be chomped.

I've already been chomped, and why, cos I was trying to get this picture of Kito's towel, and who was that for, you guys, :D got a hole in my finger the size of the grand canynon (well slighty exaggeration maybe) :D

*peta goes off in a sulk, to sit in a corner* :D
*peta accepts greedily and wonders where you keep them hidden.* :D

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