So, I have some toys for my harlequin macaw, Kiwi but they aren't really big enough for her and she manages to shred them right away. Does anyone have a favourite toy company or specific toy they like? I'm aware I need to switch out the toys for enrichment purposes and I did a ton of research on unsafe toys such as happy huts and rope toys. I'm also trying to find good foraging toys, chewing toys, exercise toys, puzzles and manipulative toys, and foot toys (I'll just get perches but if anyone knows of any actual 'foot toys' mention them please!) Any other kinds of toys I missed would be appreciated too! I have her cage all set up now. She has her own room! I just need to stock the cage with better toys. And I understand toys are supposed to be shredded but she shreds them completely within the same day I get them. She only has about four hours of staggered cage time right now but idk I might be totally wrong. Anyway thanks for all the help with Kiwi so far!