Large dogs and big Macaws?


New member
Nov 5, 2013
The land of 10,000 lakes!
Now, 0
I am looking into getting a large macaw but also have a large dog. He is a 6-8 year old rescue lab. He is VERY mellow, we have a cat that bosses him around so I am guessing this would be the same with a macaw. My parents are afraid he would hurt him and he wouldnt get enough out of cage time. Would a macaw be able to defend him self? I mean they have a can opener for a beak! What do you think? I wouldn't leave them alone with each other of course just for when he is out on his play stand in the living room.
I have 2 large dogs ( is XL, American Bulldog & AmBull Pit Mix), and no, I don't EVER trust the dogs with the big macs (or Amazons), and vice versa.

An accident can happen in the blink of an eye. Yes, a big mac could do SEVERE damage to a dog, but at exactly that moment, I'd be afraid of the dog's retaliation/instinct to fight back, and the big mac would undoubtedly lose to the jaws of a large dog.

Please don't misunderstand me, I believe they can live in harmony just fine, for as long as they are supervised and not allowed to roam together.
My pups are quite the cleanup crew. :54: I'm not kidding - especially my Ziva, she cleans the floor after the big macs' messes something fierce, LOL.

And Niko (B&G) calls Oscar (AmBull) in the morning when it's time for breakfast.

Now that it's warm out, and my windows are wide open, I often wonder what my neighbors must be thinking. :32:
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Haha! We joke we should have named our dog,hoover like the vacume cleaner sometimes, because he eats anything that is edible. We named him Dakota instead.
If supervised they should be ok if given time to get used to each other I have a little dog and they kinda just do there own thing around each other :)
Mine are socialized around dogs, but there is the potential for accidents. I wouldn't leave them unsupervised, but they can get along.

A friend of mine has a greenwing that actually plays with the dogs...

The cat is more a cruel macaw sport... (See kitty Jump! Watch kitty run! See kitty act silly when I pretend I'm the big bad birdie! Oh, yes they do!)
That bird LOVES tormenting the cat, because the cat is so dramatic.

The bird's favorite activity is sneaking up on the cat, and screaming (See Kitty Jump!) Or going into "chase" mode to make the cat hunch up hissing and running sideways. The bird struts away laughing every time!

Mission accomplished.

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