I have been practising certain beauty regimes since I got Cal.
It never occured to me to share it before now but then I realised that I am either being:
A) Incredibly over cautious lol
B) Perhaps making a valid point and therefore it may be beneficial to find out your opinions!!!!
I am hoping for the latter as what I do makes sense in my head....ok Vonny, cut to the chase!
The very first thing Cal did when she decided I was "the good guy" was preen my hair. A couple of days later it was my eyelashes, face and eyebrows.
We're all very conscientous of washing our hands before out of cage play time due to our other pets etc. We don't use detergents to clean their cages so that when they are clowning around and hanging off bars and perches with their beak, they don't get a load of chemicals in their mouths. We scrub all new toys "just in case" and use organic veggies etc where possible.
Why then, I figured, is it any different when they do these things with US?
I wash my clothes in mild detergent so they do not smell strongly....I don't use fabric softener as this clings.....
I wear little perfume and ensure it is on my skin rather than clothing so I can wipe it off.
I scrub my face clean before I get Cal out of her cage because otherwise, she will be preening mascara/liner/eyeshadow....foundation....powder....moisturiser...the occasional spot buster cream.....eye bag gel.....the actual remnants of my face wash perhaps....?
I stopped wearing nail varnish as she could chip it and now have a 4 in one french manicure nailfile instead which buffs the nail up something lovely.
I don't use hairspray, mousse or gel.
If I come out the bath with wet hair and she comes to visit me...what is she sucking out of my hair?
How is this good for her???
I decided to go a step further.
Shampoo, I am not too worried about. I always liked to use baby shampoo anyway and I can ensure that it is washed out thoroughly.
I stopped using conditioner as the whole point is, it leaves remnants! However, my poor hair was suffering!
I started to make conditioner from things at home. Examples are egg for shine, honey for split ends, lemon juice to take out any buildup and leave glossy tresses....the list goes on! In fact, here's the first site I used to get me started if you are interested....
Homemade Recipes for Conditioners
I am now going to try shampoo and see what else I can find! (I enjoy all this as I used to make aromatherapy products!)
I would love to know your opinions on this....women AND men. If we are so so careful about what our birds ingest chemically with cage cleaners, air fresheners, pesticides etc, then do I have a valid point?
Am I sensible, or barmy????

Can't wait to hear what you think and who knows? Maybe I'm not the only "daft, over cautious" one on the forum!
It never occured to me to share it before now but then I realised that I am either being:
A) Incredibly over cautious lol
B) Perhaps making a valid point and therefore it may be beneficial to find out your opinions!!!!
I am hoping for the latter as what I do makes sense in my head....ok Vonny, cut to the chase!
The very first thing Cal did when she decided I was "the good guy" was preen my hair. A couple of days later it was my eyelashes, face and eyebrows.
We're all very conscientous of washing our hands before out of cage play time due to our other pets etc. We don't use detergents to clean their cages so that when they are clowning around and hanging off bars and perches with their beak, they don't get a load of chemicals in their mouths. We scrub all new toys "just in case" and use organic veggies etc where possible.
Why then, I figured, is it any different when they do these things with US?
I wash my clothes in mild detergent so they do not smell strongly....I don't use fabric softener as this clings.....
I wear little perfume and ensure it is on my skin rather than clothing so I can wipe it off.
I scrub my face clean before I get Cal out of her cage because otherwise, she will be preening mascara/liner/eyeshadow....foundation....powder....moisturiser...the occasional spot buster cream.....eye bag gel.....the actual remnants of my face wash perhaps....?
I stopped wearing nail varnish as she could chip it and now have a 4 in one french manicure nailfile instead which buffs the nail up something lovely.
I don't use hairspray, mousse or gel.
If I come out the bath with wet hair and she comes to visit me...what is she sucking out of my hair?
How is this good for her???
I decided to go a step further.
Shampoo, I am not too worried about. I always liked to use baby shampoo anyway and I can ensure that it is washed out thoroughly.
I stopped using conditioner as the whole point is, it leaves remnants! However, my poor hair was suffering!
I started to make conditioner from things at home. Examples are egg for shine, honey for split ends, lemon juice to take out any buildup and leave glossy tresses....the list goes on! In fact, here's the first site I used to get me started if you are interested....
Homemade Recipes for Conditioners
I am now going to try shampoo and see what else I can find! (I enjoy all this as I used to make aromatherapy products!)
I would love to know your opinions on this....women AND men. If we are so so careful about what our birds ingest chemically with cage cleaners, air fresheners, pesticides etc, then do I have a valid point?
Am I sensible, or barmy????

Can't wait to hear what you think and who knows? Maybe I'm not the only "daft, over cautious" one on the forum!