Ladies, about our beauty regimes....are we hurting our bird?


Sep 3, 2010
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I have been practising certain beauty regimes since I got Cal.

It never occured to me to share it before now but then I realised that I am either being:

A) Incredibly over cautious lol


B) Perhaps making a valid point and therefore it may be beneficial to find out your opinions!!!!

I am hoping for the latter as what I do makes sense in my head....ok Vonny, cut to the chase!

The very first thing Cal did when she decided I was "the good guy" was preen my hair. A couple of days later it was my eyelashes, face and eyebrows.

We're all very conscientous of washing our hands before out of cage play time due to our other pets etc. We don't use detergents to clean their cages so that when they are clowning around and hanging off bars and perches with their beak, they don't get a load of chemicals in their mouths. We scrub all new toys "just in case" and use organic veggies etc where possible.

Why then, I figured, is it any different when they do these things with US?

I wash my clothes in mild detergent so they do not smell strongly....I don't use fabric softener as this clings.....

I wear little perfume and ensure it is on my skin rather than clothing so I can wipe it off.

I scrub my face clean before I get Cal out of her cage because otherwise, she will be preening mascara/liner/ occasional spot buster cream.....eye bag gel.....the actual remnants of my face wash perhaps....?

I stopped wearing nail varnish as she could chip it and now have a 4 in one french manicure nailfile instead which buffs the nail up something lovely.

I don't use hairspray, mousse or gel.

If I come out the bath with wet hair and she comes to visit me...what is she sucking out of my hair?

How is this good for her???

I decided to go a step further.

Shampoo, I am not too worried about. I always liked to use baby shampoo anyway and I can ensure that it is washed out thoroughly.

I stopped using conditioner as the whole point is, it leaves remnants! However, my poor hair was suffering!

I started to make conditioner from things at home. Examples are egg for shine, honey for split ends, lemon juice to take out any buildup and leave glossy tresses....the list goes on! In fact, here's the first site I used to get me started if you are interested....

Homemade Recipes for Conditioners

I am now going to try shampoo and see what else I can find! (I enjoy all this as I used to make aromatherapy products!)

I would love to know your opinions on this....women AND men. If we are so so careful about what our birds ingest chemically with cage cleaners, air fresheners, pesticides etc, then do I have a valid point?

Am I sensible, or barmy???? :D:D:D

Can't wait to hear what you think and who knows? Maybe I'm not the only "daft, over cautious" one on the forum! :D
wow, personally i think you are taking things a little too far~ i would never allow preening of my eyelashes, face and eyebrows, probably because i have a macaw....
hehe, yeah it is really just applicable to the cuddle bugs....hard to explain, they get everywhere!
I personally think many make up or beauty products can be toxic to us as well as birds. I wear no makup, no hair spray, no nail polish at all, never perfume or deoderant. Not because I have a bird but due to the fact I do not like products made by most body product companies. There is one I do like called Lush. They are free trade and no chemicals of any kind. I have a receipe book on how to make all the products you mentioned von. I am a big fan of the powders I make from natural products. They are so so much better than perfume or deoderant. I used to shave bees wax to make lotions and creams but the old arhritis took hold. If anyone wants the name of the book just send a PM and I will give it to you. Good topic.
It is good that you are using extra caution. Not only is it safer for Cal, but it is probably better for you as well! Maybe you are a little too cautious but as long as it doesn't affect anyone negatively then I guess it's OK. Can't hurt right?

I always wondered about the affects of make up on birds. I don't wear it that often but my mom does and Nicky loves to lick her foundation off her face. We try to distract him so he doesn't do it but like you said, our cuddle bugs get everywhere, and the next thing you know he is preening the hairspray out of her hair.
I have to look professional everyday because of my work so make-up plus plus is part of it. For this reason I taught sterretjie that she is not allowed in my face. This will obviously be hard to teach to a cuddlebug so I understand where you are coming from Vonnie.

I fully agree with no nail polish because our parrots are always on our hands.

The last thing that I do before I leave home is put on jewellery and perfume.
Thanks for the input guys!

The only reason I do all this is because Cal is on and beaking ALL these areas. She loves to suck fabric too and never makes holes in them.

I'd hate for her to ingest anything that many people believe is bad for us as Di says - makes sense to me!

I'd love the name of the book Di, thankyou.
Just be sure to use products that have been tested on animals. :p
LOL AD!!!!

hahahahaha!!!! Oh my, I am laughing so hard right now........:D:D:D:D:D
Just be sure to use products that have been tested on animals. :p

Very cute! Reminds me of when my Golden Retriever Maddie ate or should I say chewed an apple ornament off the Christmas tree. She had a red face for about a week’s time..
Cal "sucks" on fabric? LOL. I have never heard of that! Nicky and Gracie just like to chew holes.
yeah she does haha! And buttons! Never bites them.....honestly, she's so strange!
To some people you may be going too far, but using less "chemicals" (technically, everything is a chemical, but we all know what this means) has to be better for all of us, right? I used to make my own laundry detergent but stopped because I couldn't find a "recipe" to get whites and things from looking dingy.

I haven't made beauty products like shampoo or anything, but have used homemade lotions and scrubs before. I seldom use hairspray, gel or other hair products. And only my toes see any sort of polish on a regular basis...although, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a mani/pedi and would be at the salon weekly if I could afford it.

As for our birdies, they aren't allowed to preen our eyes or face, but I've lost a couple sets of earrings and a necklace or two to I don't wear jewelry at home unless they're in cages.
lol Di.....I think what this thread has taught me is that I have an oddball bird!!!! :D

Noone else has these worries hahaha!
Vonnie this thread kept me awake for some time! I wasnt in the right state of mind when I read it the first time and it has been bothering me since. You are a very dear friend to me and you are a fantastic guardian who tries to protect Cal in every possible way. I applaud you for that! Vonnie, Cal is not the only bird who loves chewing, sucking, exploring - they all do it one or another time. You can teach Cal that certain things are a no, Sterretjie knows sho-sho very well and avoids the thing when I said so. I dont know how to explain this short and sweet so here goes an essay.

Quality of life is just as important as a healthy life and I strive to give ALL my kids exactly that. I have turned the www upside down with my bearded dragons and iguana roaming FREE in our garden, playing on the beach and going with on each and every holiday. Misinformed (forum taught) people were freaking out because according to them my kids will get sick from all the diseases roaming our garden ect. I stuck it out, took all the knocks and accusation and firmly stood with my believe on quality of life. Sterretjie came along and she spends her life as free as can be. She is outside every single day and are surrounded with wild birds that fly past and another ringneck that comes and visit her and sit ontop of her outdoor cage. She goes with on holiday and goes with to work, shops etc.

6 Years later and my iguana and dragons are super healthy, hyper active, and enjoy an incredible life. They do not sit still for one moment where other people's iguanas and bearded dragons are classified as boring - they do nothing. These same forum members that were knocking me ended up with sick animals, bacterial-viral-fungi infections, septicaemia, parasites etc. etc. :(

People do much more harm than what they realize when they keep their kids in a 'bubble'. They do not give them a chance to build up a strong immune system or any immune system and for this reason they become sick from the slightest thing and die because they could not fight the disease.

Protect Cal from harm, chemicals, non-stick pans, quarantine when necessary etc. but dont keep her in a bubble 24/7. You have many people that come into your shop on a daily basis and there is no way in telling where they have been and with what they were in contact with. There will also come a time when you want to go on holiday and then you must know that Cal can go with without any worries. Or it can happen that somebody else must look after Cal and she needs to go there, she must be strong enough to handle the outside world. She must be able to handle other peoples linen, clothes, dust etc. etc.

Concentrate on quality of life and allow her to live 'almost' the way she was intended to.

I rushed home this morning to take Sterretjie inside because it started to drizzle. Her cage is half closed up and she is completely protected from the rain if she moves to the back. I found her intentionally sitting on her swing in the rain with her wings spread and a smile on her face! I tried to take her and she pushed me away - her way of saying NO leave me I am happy. I took her regardless and moved her to the back of the cage, she gave me a dirty look and went straight back to her swing in the rain. I went back home and watched her enjoy the rain, I also saw 2 doves sitting in the rain on the grass. It was still pleasantly warm although it was wet. I realized once again that what is good for us humans is not always good for our animals and we must look at the wild for examples and allow our own to be natural. My maid also told me that forest my iguana went outside when he saw that it started to rain. I saw him laying on his ledge with both his front legs tugged backwards - happy and content. He comes from the rainforest and of course the rain must be an absolute pleasure for him.

I am not saying take your bird, animals out in the freezing cold, it was warm even thou it was raining. I am saying, allow them to live as close to nature as what you possible - safely can, breakdown that bubble for the sake of their well-being. Build a strong immune system because without it they are vulnerable to absolutely everything, the tiniest thing can make them sick and this same thing will brush past my kids unnoticed.
I completely understand what you're saying Linky and am in awe of how you care for all your pets as you know!

I certainly don't keep Cal in a bubble though!!! As you say, she is in amongst ALL sorts in the shop and I am fine with that. I wouldn't want her to be wary of people or have a poor immune system!

I am not worried by what she may come across dirt wise when she is preening me and chewing etc.

She does listen to uh uh uh...noooo.....but I enjoy our preening time together. She is very gentle with my eyelashes and skin. One of my books believes that there is no harm in letting your bird preen you as it deepens the bond. Cal preens me, then I am "allowed" to preen her lol. It's just part of our day and a lovely lovely part too :D

My concern is simply that cosmetics have all sorts of nasty chemicals in them and the thought of her preening my eye lashes with mascara on them fills me with horror. The same goes for my hair with conditioner etc. Same as I would not douse her cage in bleach and then just rinse it know?

I have been busy introducing her to an Aviator harness for some time now - come the summer, she will be outside with us!
Bella tends to love preening my face & hair. I don't use hair product but I do worry about her "licking" the foundation off my face. When it gets to be too much I tell her to stop and she listens. I paint my nails but she doesn't bite it off as I don't let her do it. I can only protect her from so much & I love her dearly. I am very careful with her though (cooking, doors open, etc).

By the way, Bella's tongue feels SO weird when she is preening my face! LOL
This was something I never thought about until I noticed Bb "tasting" my face when I was wearing foundation and he had an expression that was like, "Hmm, what is this?" That's when I thought, this stuff is probably NOT good for a bird! So I always take my makeup off and wash my face before handling him now. I always try to avoid letting him near my face anyway - unless I'm giving him kisses of course.

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