Kyo is sick


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
I'm sick to my stomach with worry. She vomited and had runny runny liquid poop this morning. She has a vet appointment in 2 hours. Unfortunately I have to work and hubby has to take her. I'm going to be worried all day. I'm psi scared for her :(
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear this! Try not to worry too much while you're waiting for news. Whatever the problem is, you caught it quickly and made an appointment. Please let us know what her vet says. Hugs to you.
Oh I'm sorry to hear. Hopefully it's "nothing" and meds will fix him up quick. Please update us!
Oh no! I hope she gets better soon! No fun when our feathered babies get sick or are just off even the slightest. Sending strength and hugs to you all!!!
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So, since there is a long weekend here, there are no labs open to do tests. However, the vet said she seems okay on a physical exam, but if anything gets worse to bring her in on Tuesday to have the $650 of lab work done. Hubby said she didn't seem TOO concerned, but that if it would make me feel better it wouldn't hurt to get the tests done.

Either way, if I decide to get her tested or not, I have to wait. Hoping she feels better. Her behaviour has been normal since I got home, and her poops are back to normal. She did try to regurgitate for me, it was way different than what happened this morning) but otherwise she's being her hyper and velcro self. right now she's trying to fix my "blemishes" and making really sweet noises.

My guess is she probably ate something she shouldn't have (she does like to throw her fresh food everywhere, maybe I missed some when I was cleaning and she chowed on it) and I'm hoping for the best.
How very scary! I'm glad to hear Kyo is doing better now. Keep us posted.
Glad to hear she's okay!
Happy to hear Kyo is feeling better.
Certainly sounds like she rebounded! They can sure give you a scare, can't they?
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They really can! She's been absolutely normal now for two days. No idea what may have happened :S
I'm glad to hear Kyo is doing better! They really can give you a scare!

What is it about the fids that make us so much more paranoid? If one of my cats throw up, or have a bought of runny poo, meh - I just shrug it off. But if Tiki sneezes once? EMERGENCY! I must take her to the vet immediately and do nothing else but sit and worry and lose sleep!

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