Kyleigh at 13 weeks!


New member
Jul 29, 2015
Dallas, TX
Kyleigh, B&G Macaw -
Peanut, Yellow Collar Mini Macaw -
Aaliyah, Green Wing Macaw
Well folks, she is finally home! I have had her for about a week. I am typically giving her one feeding a day, but some times she ask for an afternoon feeding. I am all for abundance weaning, so I know it'll be some time. Which I am very happy with. Kyleigh is getting down short distance flight recall. Increasing the distance every day. Her landing space is still wide. Yesterday it was my whole arm. Today it was my forearm. She's 13 weeks today.

Here she is!

[ame=""]Flight recall at 13 weeks - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Flight Recall 13 weeks - YouTube[/ame]
Oh that is awesome! And congratulations on getting to bring her home!!! It looks like she is settling in well. I love how much your breeder had you and allowed you to come visit and build an initial bond with her. She's gorgeous and I love how she is coming to you so willingly.
You've done everything right with this bird.

I don't know what more you expect to learn from me. You're already doing it.

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Thanks folks! I don't think she even blinked at the idea of being in a new home. Mark, you have taught me so so much and it has helped incredibly with Kyleigh. But! She is doing this thing where she will calmly step up...then hit a mad dash to my shoulder. I have blocked her and blocked her. Is there anything else I need to be doing?
I've got a HUGE smile on my face after seeing those clips, Stephen! Just AWESOME!!! :D

Just keep blocking her, she'll eventually 'get' it. Hey, can't be mad at her for trying, right? :54:
I find it hilarious....everybody else is trying to keep their birds off their shoulders, and I'm over here like "GET UP ON MY SHOULDER SO I CAN DO STUFF!" lol

She looks great!
Thanks folks! I don't think she even blinked at the idea of being in a new home. Mark, you have taught me so so much and it has helped incredibly with Kyleigh. But! She is doing this thing where she will calmly step up...then hit a mad dash to my shoulder. I have blocked her and blocked her. Is there anything else I need to be doing?

All of my macaws have been shoulder birds... (Except Ruby)

All I have ever done is blocked them and picked them up, and back and forth we go until you get the message.

But for the most part, all of mine are shoulder birds. The only bird that isn't is Tusk, and that's only because he displacement bites...

Fortunately, Tusk is also a neurotic CAG, who has his own particular preferences. RIGHT HAND ONLY! He refuses to even step up if you offer the left. (That's how closely they study things. He knows I'm right handed. And I'm more coordinated with my right hand. Therefore, that's where I'm perching if you're picking me up.)

It's actually quite fascinating.
Thanks folks! I don't think she even blinked at the idea of being in a new home. Mark, you have taught me so so much and it has helped incredibly with Kyleigh. But! She is doing this thing where she will calmly step up...then hit a mad dash to my shoulder. I have blocked her and blocked her. Is there anything else I need to be doing?

All of my macaws have been shoulder birds... (Except Ruby)

All I have ever done is blocked them and picked them up, and back and forth we go until you get the message.

But for the most part, all of mine are shoulder birds. The only bird that isn't is Tusk, and that's only because he displacement bites...

Fortunately, Tusk is also a neurotic CAG, who has his own particular preferences. RIGHT HAND ONLY! He refuses to even step up if you offer the left. (That's how closely they study things. He knows I'm right handed. And I'm more coordinated with my right hand. Therefore, that's where I'm perching if you're picking me up.)

It's actually quite fascinating.

Tusk is quite the character lol.
Awesome job Stephen! And Kyleigh,way to go rock! :D

CAGS and Eckies are just quirky...

My "other" Ruby (not the Ruby macaw named Ruby, but the female Eckie) was really funny that way too... and she used to use that "air horn" noise they do for comedic effect.



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I've got a HUGE smile on my face after seeing those clips, Stephen! Just AWESOME!!! :D

Just keep blocking her, she'll eventually 'get' it. Hey, can't be mad at her for trying, right? :54:

So just keep blocking her with my free arm until she gets the point? I may have said this already, but I think I am going to reteach step up and have her stay still longer with my thumb over her foot before I click and reward. I have learned a lot since I taught her that, and my gut keeps telling me to go there.
Yup, that sounds like an awesome plan, Stephen!!!

The only birds I allow on my shoulders are Hunter (my Nape) and Ripley. Niko has too many ornery moments. Not vicious, mind you, but B&Gs are a lot quicker to pinch than a GW (for example). ;)
So happy to see Kyleigh is home! Her flight recall is looking great! You are off to a wonderful start together. Please keep the photos and videos coming.
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I didn't want to make a new thread for this...Kyleigh has decided she doesnt want her fruits and veggies, but only wants her pellets and formula when ask for it.

I know I shouldnt be worried..but I am.
I'm not sure if its something in her chop she decided she doesnt like? Or maybe she just doesnt want fruits and veggies for the last 4-5 days.
Probably adjusting. Venus has her moments so I put her food in a cup, with a spoon, sit with her and then she'll eat it. She thinks the cup and food are mine so it is a must have then. That's my trick to get her to eat.
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Probably adjusting. Venus has her moments so I put her food in a cup, with a spoon, sit with her and then she'll eat it. She thinks the cup and food are mine so it is a must have then. That's my trick to get her to eat.

Boom. I put it in my lap..sat down...And then it became hers lol

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