Kumar has been eating handburger!


Active member
May 8, 2013
1 green cheek conure (Kumar)
2 male budgies (Charlie and Diego)
Lol, here's some shots of brat Kumar's latest biting rampage. We were having some behavioral issues because he has been mollycoddled for a month now, nursing his injuries from the vets office. He's taking some short flights now, but he's a little stiff and sore so we're taking it slow. But being completely spoiled rotten for about a month now has turned him into super-brat, and I was being very easy him...which he took and ran with :D he's much better today. As long as I'm consistent in time-outs he cools off immediately and it's over.
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Here's another
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Ooof.. ouchie!!! I feel really lucky that neither of my conures have broken skin, and still they have pretty nasty pinching-bites.. maybe my hands are just overly tough? Hah. Who knows. I'm glad things are getting better with Kumar though :)
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And another
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And again. My left shoulder has been chewed up also lol
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Chris I was ROTFL when I realized you spelled it "handburger" on purpose :D

Even little bites really hurt! Just use some healing lotion and it will be better soon.

I'm so glad to hear little Kumar is getting better. It's cause he has such a good dad. :)
:eek: Holy smokes! :eek:

Kumar isn't playing around, is he?

I'm so happy to hear he's starting to fly again, but OUCHY!!!! I sure hope he snaps out of it soon. Your poor hands and shoulder.
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Lol don't worry, they look much worse in real life!haha
OUCH!!!! Wow, Georgie went through this hormonal bratty phase when she was young and i called her a demon bird, but she never even bit me that much. I feel sorry for your poor hands...and shoulders. (what "Demon Georgie" did though was snuggled with me, and would suddenly BITE HARRRD say, on my inner thigh while in shorts. I would scream out in pain and she would laugh and fly away. She liked to snipe me from time to time, and always laughed after she did it.)
Ouch! Did all these bites happen in quick succession? Little dude is like a feathered ninja!
Ahh! Oww! I didn't think GCCs could bite in that deep. Well at least he is starting to fly again. I hope he continues to get better.
So glad he's feeling better! My boys (2-legged, non-feathered) always get mean as snakes when they're recovering from an illness/injury! Hopefully it won't last much longer, and Kumar will be back to normal! :)
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Ouch! Did all these bites happen in quick succession? Little dude is like a feathered ninja!

Yup in a 2 day period. After a few time-outs his attitude is much better :)
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:eek: Yikes!! Who ever said to only be careful around the big beaks?

Good luck !

Lol I know! And then my budgies hone in on the sores and nip them if they get the chance, purely for the fun of it. I can't win lol:)

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