Knock Knock = Learn the hard way


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
I am off work until next Monday. So I have been doing a little belated spring cleaning. ( why is it when you have your birds cage cleaned it seems like 1/2 your work is done )
So I got the kitchen clean.. den .......... bird cage...... I put some munchies in the treat cup for BB .. whistled for the dogs to come onto the deck so I could brush them . All was well UNTIL
I finished the brushing , the last dog my corgi was a little restless not sure why until I finished her up and cleaned the hair ball off the deck. Started to open the door and heard a knocking. Looked in the storm door window and BB was on the other side. Wanting out. Dang it. He was on his play stand I kept a eye out or so I thought
Back door was locked so no getting in there. He was way to close to the frt door to open it . I would not take the chance of him getting out with both dogs there.
So he is on the floor knocking at the door with his beak. Hi Hi HI HIIIIIIIIIII. I tried everything I could to get him to back up so I could slip in. It was not only the dogs I worried about because they will sit and stay but, i was worried he would get out.
10 minutes later I am still saying ......... Please BB back up and I will give you a walnut. Um no I ordered them and they will be here Friday but he does not know that.
15 minutes later BF's parents see me on the deck and come over. Everything ok . UM SURE it is . They find out what is going on and call around I guess because company shows up at there home
You have to understand i live in a area that is mostly retired people so we are kinda a novelty here. Look at what the young people are doing now kinda thing.
So I have 8 gray haired couples around me laughing like heck at the pretty sweet bird keeping its owner out of her house. Mean while BB is yelling hi and a few of his chosen cuss words that he knows will get him a laugh.
After about 45 minutes he finally yells GOOD BYE what I have been telling him for 15 min hoping he will go back to his cage thinking I am leaving for work.
Red faced I enter my home realizing............. You can't teach the owner of a B & G everything because there is no such thing
LOL !!! That must have been something else [still laughing :)]
Oh look, I have a captive audience... and a crowd is forming.

Looks like I'm the center of attention around here.

I just hate it when that happens... [NO! I DON'T!!!]

This is gonna be fun!
LOL, Birdman! That is EXACTLY what BB was thinking!

Never a dull moment with a parrot, right?
Christine, THANK YOU so much for sharing the giggles, I really needed that tonight! I love your Big Bird!

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