Kiki Greeting Me


New member
Dec 10, 2014
{Kiki, Blue Front Amazon}

{Taco, Barraband Parrot}

{Emil A.K.A Rocky, Red Lored Amazon}
This is basically how Kiki behaves every single time I come home from a hard day of work to watch TV.
It's like she knows how I feel like when I come home and wants to cheer me up by making me laugh because she is so ADORABLE! :D :green:

[ame=""]Kiki Blue Front Parrot Cheering Me Up - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah.. I had to respond with that granny sounding voice haha.
But that's how I train her to say Hello, because if i'd use my ''normal deep voice'', she would sound all muffled and not as clear I heard lol.

So what do you guys think? Should I continue with stories like these with Kiki, or do You want me to change it up or... stop? lol :09:
Stories, videos, photos are always welcome and very entertaining!! :) I think we all like to share/brag/boast alittle bit about what our babies are doing - - I know I do!! I am proud about Oscars accomplishments and delighted to hear about other's achievements and adventures!! lol
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Stories, videos, photos are always welcome and very entertaining!! :) I think we all like to share/brag/boast alittle bit about what our babies are doing - - I know I do!! I am proud about Oscars accomplishments and delighted to hear about other's achievements and adventures!! lol

Thank you, well I completely agree with you on that. And while I'm posting stories about Kiki and me, I love seing others share their stories about their babies just as much. :D

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