Kermit, the flying bird wonder


Active member
May 5, 2016
Southern California
Kermit, ♀ GCC (Green Demon)
It seems Kermit is finally settling into her wings this last week. When I got her as a baby, she was clipped. I suspected she was never taught to fly, so I let her flights grow out and practice them for a few months. She improved beautifully, but never showed much interest in flight unless spooked. Because it was summer and everyone was leaving the slider open, I did clip her flights again.

It seems barely after I got them clipped, she grew them all back again LOL. I really meant to clip them again, but it got colder so the sliding glass door isn't left open like it was. Meanwhile, Kermit has begun using her wings more and more. If she doesn't like where she's been placed, she's been known to flutter off. She still doesn't love flight like maybe some birds do, but she's trusting in her wings more and it's so cute <3 We'll see how long she can keep them this time around. Maybe it'll be a winter tradition. :gcc:
If she could have flight year round, that would be even better! If she starts flying because she enjoys it, it's a great way for her to burn off some energy! And creatures new and fun training experiences!

I would not recommend leaving the sliding glass door open... regardless if she's clipped or not.
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I would enjoy it too. She's getting the hang of flying to whoever's shoulder she wants to go to. It's very cute.

Oh ! No, the sliding glass door is never intentionally left open, but other humans in the household are forgetful on closing it. Particularly in the summer, everyone just wants to leave it open. At the very least with a clip, she won't make it out the door as fast, which gives me more response time.
But clipped birds can still fly away. Check to make sure the door is closed right before you bring her out. It’s the only way to keep her 100% safe, clipped or not. But keeping her flighted will be healthier for her.
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I know, and I do, but people enjoy walking in and out of the slider and especially in summer. :/ I do nag everyone to close the door behind them immediately, although sometimes they don't listen. You can train birds, but people take to it minimally... The only alternative is to have the bird locked up in my room all day with minimal human interaction. I think birds should be where the people are. I agree it's a situation with risks, but one I've carefully weighed with a lot of thought put behind it. I've had this conversation with members here before.

Anyways, I mostly wanted to brag about how well she's learning to fly :) She doesn't even want to land on outstretched hands anymore, but directly to a shoulder.
sounds like she's having a good time!

Might be an idea to put a spring close system on the sliding door so the humans don't have to remember! All you'd need is to get a spring with enough pressure to close the door without hindering the opening of it and a house to place the spring system in. I may have to take a look at designing something like this

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