Kenji's new foraging wheel


New member
Aug 24, 2011
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African Greg
2 cockatiels
So kenji has now mastered both of the foraging toys I own. One being the green toy he came with, and the second is the wheel of fortune. I interchange them both between Kenji and Rosie but while Rosie is unable to do the green toy Kenji has mastered the wheel of fortune. He literally takes less than a minute to get all the treats(almonds, pecans, nutri-berries, dried fruit and stuff) out, and I can't be filling him up with treats haha.

Today I stopped at one slightly out of the way Petco that has the best selection of planet pleasures toys and saw this foraging wheel $10 off, can't pass that up XD

So here's a video of him discovering the new foraging toy for the first time.

[ame=]Kenji's new foraging wheel - YouTube[/ame]
That took Kinji no time at all to figure out. :D He's SO smart and SO pretty!!!

I have the same foraging wheel for both my Amazons, and they both like it, too. :)
What a clever bird. Makes it look so easy
I was thinking of getting one of those. Looks like fun! Glad Kenji likes it!
I'm getting one of those ASAP! What a cute video!

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