New member
Well Saturday i went and visited my fid at the breeder. I found out he is weaned. Yay!!! (Crud) i was basing all the plans on him weaning around 6 months not 4 and a half. So i will have to wait just a little bit longer. Back to the real story. Well i got bit by Kenai twice that day. Neither where all that bad first was on the lip bit i think that one was because he got freaked out by the mobrella2. And the second time i believe i gave him to many scrichies and ended up overstimulating him and he took a chunk out of my finger. All this coupled withe the fact he is still learning how much pressure to use and how sorry he looked afterwords lets me know he didnt really mean it.
Ps. He has finally learned that toys are for chewing and destroying. So cute
Ps. He has finally learned that toys are for chewing and destroying. So cute