Keeping birds on top of cage


Aug 25, 2012
San Diego
Duskies: Gizmo & Niko, hatched 3/12 & 5/12; pineapple GCC: Skittles, 5/10/13; Pan Am: Harley, 1/27/13; CAG: Maalik, 7/27/13; Eclectus: Ziggy, 4/4/04; BHC: Walter 6 y; baby Jardine's: Bogart-May!
My birds enjoy being in their play areas on top of their cages. However I must always be with them to make certain that they don't climb down the sides where they could get too close to my German Shepherds. I would love to be able to keep them out of their cages for longer periods of time, but can't until I find a way to prevent them from climbing down.

Have any of you devised a way to keep your birds sequestered on the top? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I know people who put baby gates around the cages for just that reason. If you're handy, you could also consider fashioning a foot wide barrier around the top of the cage so that they can't climb over it.
You would never forgive yourself if you left dogs and birds unsupervised and somehow they got to each other. Not worth it. Don't do it.
we crate our 3 dogs,or put them outside and put away our 4 cats behind closed doors, prior to bringing our Senegal Safari out with us. It's a bit of work, but well worth the effort
I agree with crimson, the easiest and best way would be to just totally separate them during their outside time

Have you not heard? The bird is the word!
we crate our 3 dogs,or put them outside and put away our 4 cats behind closed doors, prior to bringing our Senegal Safari out with us. It's a bit of work, but well worth the effort

I do something very similar. Ziva, my GCC is in a spare room that serves as my living area. I take all the cats and dogs out and shut the door before letting her out. I do have one cat that I can leave in when I am there though, he is 14/15 and has been around all kinds of small critters. He shows no interest in her at all. But I still keep a close eye on them. And I still normally put him out too, it isn't worth it, it only takes a second for something to happen. I use to leave the dogs in, they are good with other animals too, having been around them since they were pups. But Ziva picks on the one dog who is afraid of her, and most other small animals, he is a lab/pointer mix who doesn't swim or retrieve either. :rolleyes: She started to dive bomb him and one day as she flew over he ducked and snapped. He was not close to her, and she was high in the air at the time, but I took that as a warning. Ziva scared him so now all dogs and cats are out before she comes out. Better safe then sorry.
I would put the dogs in another room before taking the bird out. I know of some members who dogs have killed their birds by thinking he won't do anything. If you don't want to put them away I agree with baby gating the place , though there is always a chance the dog could somehow make it over
German shepherds....I would recommend you putting them outside or in anther room while you take your parrots, they are big dogs and can easily kill a conure. I would never leave any dog that is bigger than a cocker spaniel around parrots unsupervised, any dogs can be harmful to parrots, but the bigger, the more risk it will be.

I have a cavalier king Charles spaniel named Lucky, when Lucky is around my alexandrine Ozzie, it's Lucky I'm worry about since cavalier are a small breed and Lucky is a chicken! Lol :D He is scared of everything! Last time Ozzie was chasing Lucky around the house (they were playing). Although they get along very well, there were once Ozzie were sleeping with Lucky, I still keep an eye out since sometimes Ozzie is just not in a good mood and might end up hurting Ozzie.

You can try baby gates, but I don't think that's small enough for conures though.
You shouldn't leave them unsupervised if your dogs out, the regret of loosing one even if you were gone for a second isn't worth it. I must of lucked out, my cocker spaniel thinks Rosie is terrifying. He once got too close and she spread her wings and screamed at him. Now he won't come within 5 ft of her until he builds up courage then gets scared again.
You shouldn't leave them unsupervised if your dogs out, the regret of loosing one even if you were gone for a second isn't worth it. I must of lucked out, my cocker spaniel thinks Rosie is terrifying. He once got too close and she spread her wings and screamed at him. Now he won't come within 5 ft of her until he builds up courage then gets scared again.

That kind of sounds like Lucky! (my cavalier) He sometimes gets scared when Ozzie spread his wings! And will not go near Ozzie within the next few hours! Lol :D
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Ok, thanks, everyone, for your feedback. I was hoping that someone had come up with something like, perhaps, taking those annoying cage seed trays and hooking them at the top.

Any inventors/entrepreneurs out there who can come up with a bird cage barrior will have a lot of customers. Cha ching! :)
the problem with that is, even a clipped bird has the ability to fly. im taking it that ur conure diesnt fly? if he was to get spooked and fluttered/fell from his cage he would not be able to get away from the dog. im with every one else, the only way to safely have the bird out and the dogs in is under constant vigikent supervision. otherwise put the dogs out or in a different room.
How do you stop your conure from always trying to fly to you from the top of his cage? He is clipped so he doesn't get far but I am worried he is going to hurt himself.

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