Keen makes noises


New member
Oct 17, 2011
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Central Oregon (Paradise!)
Keen: female, YSGCC & Opi: male, Pied Cockatiel & Milo: male, Timneh African Grey
So happy - for the first time tonight Keen made kissing noises at me, mimicking the sound I make to her. It was so sweet & totally melted my heart. She's never mimicked me in any clear or noticeable way. The part that surprised me so much was that it was un-prompted. I was just sitting at my desk working.
Any way, I wanted to share with people I know care about little, sweet, bonding things like this.
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that bird is gonna have a huge bond with u never do my birds mimic me unless i work for months and months trying to bond with them lol
awwe :) they're so smart! I love my conure! Keen sounds and looks like such a little sweetheart too! :D
Aww, how cute!

I had a moment like this with my Alexandrine,
I touched his bell and said "What's that", then I walked away and he copied me by touching his bell and saying "what's that".

You just got to love these moments.

Also thanks for sharing! :D
Congrats! Their kissing sounds are so freakin' adorable!
Awww how sweet! I love the little birdie kissy sound!

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