Kali is home!!!!!


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Caret, VA
Kali-Catalina Macaw
Kali came home yesterday! She has been doing really well. She is still a bit nervous and has given me a couple good bites and at first she would not let me touch her. She has come around today and is enjoying scratches, playing with toys, and eating. I took a lot of pics but only had time to upload a couple.
I love this bird so much!
Congratulations! Kali is so gorgeous, and I bet that she is really enjoying all those wonderful toys you have been getting together:) Please keep the pics coming!!
CONGRATS!!!!! She is so beautiful! :D I am so glad that all went well! And she is adorable! :)
She is beautiful! Congratulations! I'm sure she will settle in soon and be a wonderful companion. Looking so forward to seeing and hearing more about sweet Cali.
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She is really something. She flew off the stand and into the bed with me. She was soo funny because she was slithering around the wrinkles in the blanket like a snake. After she got done with that, she came over, flipped over, and went to sleep.
I have exposed her to all kinds of foods but so far her favorite is hot peppers. She likes the chop I made but throws a lot of it out.
She loves all the toys I made her and is obsessed with straws.
i am so happy she is finally home and look forward to the days ahead.
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Such great news, I'm glad the long wait is over! She's a really beautiful girl and glad she was able to stay flighted :D
Thanks! I am so happy she was allowed to stay flighted. I appreciate the breeder making the extra effort in dealing with her.
So far Kali has been good about staying where I put her but I have to work on her step up skills. She will not do it willingly. I think she is still reluctant to come to me. If I go straight for the step up she will bite but I just turn the back of my hand to her and she calms down, then I give her some scratches on the head. Even after a little wooing she still tries to escape being moved.
She is progressing though and overall she is a really great macaw.
:eek: How on earth did I miss this? :eek:

YAYYYYY!!!! Your baby is finally home!!! You must be so on cloud 9. :D

How are things going with her? Do you wake up every morning, and Kali is the very first thing on your mind? And at night she's your last thought? :D

She's SUCH a gorgeous girl!!! I'm so happy for you.

(How's your dad doing?)
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:eek: How on earth did I miss this? :eek:

YAYYYYY!!!! Your baby is finally home!!! You must be so on cloud 9. :D

How are things going with her? Do you wake up every morning, and Kali is the very first thing on your mind? And at night she's your last thought? :D

She's SUCH a gorgeous girl!!! I'm so happy for you.

(How's your dad doing?)

Kali is doing very well! She is a VERY stubborn bird and is pretty independent. Things are new to her so I am not surprised. When she first got home she would not step up willingly at all and would give a nasty bite when I made her (testing me most likely) but now she will step up and the biting has stopped. She is slowly becoming for affectionate. She is a very quiet macaw so far... she barely makes any noise when she is with me and doesnt make a peep in her cage... not even in the mornings.
She is getting a very varied diet and for the most part likes everything I give her. Her favs are bananas and hot peppers.
She loves to fly and will make circles around the room and will dive into the bed with me.
She has been a lot of fun and I look forward to her getting more comfortable.
She was sneezing a lot but after putting a humidifier and air purifier in her room, her sneezing decreased.

I love her to death and she is a really good girl (despite the horns) lol. Her color s are getting so much more vibrant now and her feathers condition is improving!!

Could she be molting already? I notice a lot of small puffs of feathers coming off her or is it some if her leftover baby feathers?
Yes, she could be going through a little molt. :) And GOOD FOR YOU for not letting her "bites" deter you. She is most definitely only testing you, and now realizes YOU are the attention and love giver, so she will quickly "fall" into your lap. ;)

And don't jynx the noise. :54: I'm quite sure she will become more vocal once she has completely settled in and made herself at home. :D

The sneezing could just have been from change of settings. I'm happy to hear the humidifier has made a difference. :)

So, how does cloud 9 feel??? :D :D :D
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Cloud 9 is great, i cant believe I finally got her. I waited so long for my baby. She is still sneezing every now and then but still no discharge, nasal passages are clear, and no other signs of distress.
She is a miss piggy and loves to eat... I guess all that extra time she took to wean, built up a appetite. I am weighing her to make sure her weight is good though.

She has been a little more vocal today and a lot more loving. I think she is starting to bond with me now. She will do a contact call when I leave the room. I wish I could spend all day everyday with her.
She is definitely my baby.
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Oh and here is a pic of her being a baby... bad quality but she loves being held like that.
OMMMMMGGGG!!!! Congrats on finally having Kali home!!! She looks like a very sweet girl! She's very beautiful!!
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Wozzy I think I would have lost my mind waiting if I hade to wait a day longer. There is no force that will take her away.... she is my angel. I love this bird with all of being..
Things will prove. . As time goes by
Yay!!! I'm glad that Kali's home with you finally! That's so exciting! :)
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Yay!!! I'm glad that Kali's home with you finally! That's so exciting! :)
It is very exciting to finally have her home. I took her in the shower for the first time today. She seemed ok until the water hit her... then she bit the crap out of my arm but calmed down and started to enjoy it. She also said her first words (while grooming after the shower) they were hi and pretty:) she is still pretty quiet the rest of the time.
I am excited to get up in the morning to get her out:p
Sounds like a great friendship is already underway! And what are a few bites between friends, right? I am sure the water just startled her, but next time she's know it is coming! And she is gorgeous!

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