Kakapo breeding sucsess

I was amazed by this publication when I saw it.

Not because the climatechange may benefit some species in somehow unexpected ways but mostly because those somewhat silly and adorable birds only got these results because of diligent monitoring and endless protection the recent years.

So now giving all the credits to a change that has been happening for quite some time now... is (my humble opinion of course) belitteling the efforts of the conservationalists.

(I would love to see an overkill of kakapo instead of "last chance to see" birds, so no complaints there of course!)
I understand that it is the introduction of non native predators cats and dogs I guess that has caused them to be so endangered.

I not big on this climate change thing. That's a whole other issue.
The earths climate has been changing long before man was ever on the scene.
It will go right on changing if/when we are gone.

Just wanted to post some good news about a rare species.
and those baby pictures are just too too cute.

A recent TV show by Scottish historian Neil Oliver reported the kākāpō population on Whenau Hou Island (way down south) had successfully raised 33 chicks, mostly due to the eradication of feral cats and rats. Further, locals on neighbouring Stewart Island have developed an interesting method of training pet dogs to leave kiwis alone. They use a mock-up model of a kiwi with electrical wires poking out of it and lay kiwi poop around the model. When the dog comes in for a sniff he gets a mild electric shock to the nose and it doesn’t take long for Rover to learn to give them a very wide berth!
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I was amazed by this publication when I saw it.

Not because the climatechange may benefit some species in somehow unexpected ways but mostly because those somewhat silly and adorable birds only got these results because of diligent monitoring and endless protection the recent years.

So now giving all the credits to a change that has been happening for quite some time now... is (my humble opinion of course) belitteling the efforts of the conservationalists.

(I would love to see an overkill of kakapo instead of "last chance to see" birds, so no complaints there of course!)

Yes Christa! I would love to see an "overkill" of Kakapo too. And it can be achieved if New Zealand manages to successfully eradicate rats and cats from Stewart Island.
Just saw this post..I think I remember someone posting a vid of a Kakapoo "shagging" a naturalist/reporter. at any rate glad to see they had some babies! Thanks for posting Wes :)

I just cannot get enough of this darling little face!


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