just wondering


New member
Dec 24, 2006
If I were t go silly on a new out door cage, it occurred to me that Skippah may like a friend, but skippah so far is an all white, quiet, reserved, dignified bird.
What is a colourful playful bird around the same size (or slightly larger), that I could add to the family?
Depends on the other bird. I mean each has a distinct personality, and I have heard of some real odd couples. The oddest couple I have heard of was a chicken and a budgie who were the best of friends. What Im saying is no one species will for sure get along with another. Thats all. I'm sure ithers will be by with some actual insight. :)
make sure they get along first and then the out door cage would have to be really big to allow them space to get away from each other if scirmishes arised. maybe a rosebrested too since they are pretty close to skippash family wise?
What is a colourful playful bird around the same size (or slightly larger), that I could add to the family?

Hmmm... Kelli had a nice idea!Well I thought of an Eclectus as well, as
I'm very fond of them! :D
Hmmmmmm thats an interesting one, If you did go for another one, what would happen if they really didn't get on with one another?

Would you want the other one cageless, or would that depend on the bird?

quiet, reserved, dignified bird
No. 2 could be the exact opposite, and skippah could end up getting some of the habits from the other bird.

I'll think about this one, and come back to ya.

How are you doing.
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The idea is to bring Skippah out of himself without alienating him.
The cage I have in mind costs $3790 and is a huge wrought iron rotunda style.
Its really too big for one bird so thats why the thought occurred to me.
Skippah wants to be with you, but doesn't like to be the centre of attention.
Doesn't like being taken to new places, justs wants to be patted and preened now and then(not too often). Another bird may fill the "playful" bill and show Skippah how much fun life can be.

If they showed a dislike of each other, mmmmmm,.....dunno. I would find it hard to get rid of the new fellow. I don't want a pink and gray Galah.
Get a Macaw ... Red-Front Macaw ... if you are going to go big ... go REALLY BIG!!

Or you could get a Hy ;)
:D I fixed it for ya.

Then I forgot to look at the pic. :eek: Gonna go look

O he is beautiful, I want one.

Turns out my MIL has a cousin who breeds these beautiful birds, so you never know do ya.:59: :D
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The colour is great.
I worry a bird that size may intimidate Skippah.
Is there a bird around the same size as him (or slightly bigger) that I could buy in OZ as single bird?
I like the idea of them being great (pals) but I'm not looking for a breeding pair of anything.
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Yeah, one problem with HYs - they ALWAYS want to be with their human - but I tell ya, nothing more than a gentle big fluff of mush if raised properly!

Red, are you looking for another 'too? I think it's tough to give any insight here as I am unsure of what species are readily available in the "Land of Oz" ...
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Having given things more thought, maybe a budgie baby is the way to go.
My Grandson is nearly 2 but is banned at screamed at if he goes anywhere near Skippah. If I spent 20 bux on 2 budgie chix and hand reared them with him here at my place, he could learn how to handle fragile animals and enjoy handling a bird that wants to be handled. Then Skippahs nose wont be out of joint, and they can live outside (less work for Debbie) but perch inside when the baby is here. Also, if the worst happens I can replace a budgie on the cheap (get it?) and not break Felix's heart. Also there is every chance it may be a good companion bird for Skippah. I am open to suggestions, but this is firming up as a good idea to me.
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Red, I am sorry, I forget, what kind of 'too is Skippah? My only concern there is the size between a budgie and a 'too ...
if i remember correctly Skippah is a Bare eyed Too? That's quite a size difference between a too and budgie you know. I don't think i would ever house those two species together.
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I wouldnt be housing them together.
Skippah lives inside on a perch with me.
The budgie(s) would live outside in an aviary and come inside and perch with us when the grandson was here. If they all used the same perch and nibbled from the same seed bowl, I wouldnt mind. If not, As long as they didnt bug Skippah and he didnt stalk them when they were inside, I would be happy.
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I wouldnt be housing them together.
Skippah lives inside on a perch with me.
The budgie(s) would live outside in an aviary and come inside and perch with us when the grandson was here. If they all used the same perch and nibbled from the same seed bowl, I wouldnt mind. If not, As long as they didnt bug Skippah and he didnt stalk them when they were inside, I would be happy.

And yes, Skippah is a bare eyed lesser( not to me) Corella
I would house them seperately, but socialize them together(if that can work).
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our zoo has an aviary of teils and budgies where kids can feed them and then in the middle a perch with a ( I believe) Umbrella too. It all depends.

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