Just Spent My Evening Relocating A Muscovy Duck


Aug 30, 2016
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Norfolk (England)
Bella (Vosmaeri Eclectus Female) + Dexter (Red Sided Eclectus Male) + Gerry (Vosmaeri Eclectus Male)
I heard a duck outside (unusual)
Went to investigate and found it to be wandering around in the middle of the road! Not a great location for a duck with numerous cars zooming around. One car had to hit the breaks In order to avoid squishing it!

It was rather large duck I hadn't seen before. I looked it up and found it to be a Muscovy Duck.

Off I went to get my fisherman's landing net! I keep it for if I need to catch injured pigeons to rehabilitate. But it also comes in handy for other beasts!

The duck tried to fly but couldn't seem to get any lift. It would only get slightly off the ground. It looked like it tried to poop, but it was pure liquid which I presume not to be a healthy sign...

I managed to get someone from a street over to come and help me corner the duck! I netted it and put it into a pet carrier.

I took it to someone who lived near-by whom I knew kept chickens, as I wondered if they maybe had ducks too, and this might be one of their's (I caught one of their chickens before in our alleyway).
It wasn't their's, so I took it to the nearest pond area and released it there. It waddled down to the waters edge and had a drink.

There was very little else I could do. It didn't come across as being 100% healthy, but I personally had nowhere to keep it where it wouldn't be a potential risk to my parrots or pigeons. Plus if it's a wild duck, I doubt it would respond well to be being kept captive in a strange location.

Hopefully I did the right thing...

There's no-one to call at night to check on a seemingly stray duck that seems under the weather!
I think you definitely did the right thing...I hope it isn't sick. Poor guy.
I think you did the right thing here. This is, after all, a wild animal. You greatly increased it's overall chance for survival just by getting it out of the road. What happens to it next, now that it is a natural area, will benefit either the duck by it surviving or some other creature if it doesn't make it. Better than being flattened in the road, useless and posing a risk to anything that tries to eat it from being ran over too.
MYYYYY HEEEEEEEEERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing!
to be horribly blunt in regards to a wild animal I think that's the most that should be done. It's up to nature to find that animal's place, be it finding a new flock and having a mate or whatever. As soon as they're out of immediate danger from us then we need to not interfere

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