Just Roscoe and I again


New member
Jun 3, 2014
Philadelphia, Pa
Roscoe-Blue and Gold macaw

Abby- Green wing macaw
Piccollo- Sun Conure.

Fosterer of many diff species :)
I had adopted Sam the Mullocan a few months back. I did not acknowledge the warnings that some of you gave me about the dander and The screaming that came out of this bird was horrible. I only had him for a little bit, and I am aware that it was not enough time to give him a chance, but he started screaming in the middle of the night. I was becoming depressed to come home and it was also affecting family members. I had to bring him back to the rescue, only because it didnt feel right that all of that was happening. Besides that, My bng is doing much better now (cause she is able to sleep again at night). I am just more of a macaw person, and I know now that I was not ready to take on a cockatoo. :(
M2's are the most difficult birds out there, and they are such lover birds... but so very, very needy.

Very few humans can raise them properly, and once they turn into scream n plucks, the difficulty increases exponentially.

I love them dearly, but I wish to god they had never been introduced to the pet trade!
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Sam is a wild caught boy and he plucked too at some point. I agree that it would take alot to properly care for these birds. I am a very determined person, but I was defeated in this case. He would not step up and was just screaming at all hours. I felt he was doing his best at the rescue, where there are volunteers and other birds to keep him focused. Its a shame though the rescue I feel has given me the cold shoulder for bringing him back, and they know how bad I feel. Not to mention I still continue to give them money for Sam (payment plan), even though they got him back. Like I said, I tried.
These are flock birds who have other birds for interaction in the wild 24/7.

That is part of their emotional needs. No human being can give them that.

If you get them young, and pattern the interaction, and keep them properly stimulated, and teach them to self entertain, then SOMETIMES it works.

Other times, even that isn't enough...

And once they feel rejected by their favorite person? FORGETABOUTIT!
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Sam def. liked me alot and got plenty of attention, but it was not enough. What you say makes alot of sense. Thank you :)

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