Just realized my Quaker is illegal.


New member
Mar 26, 2013
Ive had my quaker oliver for a few months now. I bought him off a lady on craiglist. I just looked up regulations in the VA and he has to be banded. Everyone says quaker babies are banded young but I bought him as a 3 year old. Does anyone know where I can get him banded??
Any band you get him into would be a open band. Does that even work???
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I'm not sure I know what you mean by open band.
A closed band is a full circle, while an open band looks more like the letter C. I would suggest asking your veterinarian about banding your Quaker-- or you might find a bird breeder willing to help.
Like what cnyguy says, it's one of the clamp on leg bands that's a open band. Close band is like a ring that's completely enclosed. They put those on when they're babies when they were young enough to slip onto their legs where it is not removable. The only way to remove those is by cutting the band off. I just wonder if microchip could be an option? I know if a bird is not used to having a leg band, it will bug the heck out of them for a long time.
Ownership, buying, selling, and breeding are all legal IF birds are close-banded
It is illegal to transport into Virginia unless moving there and birds are close-banded

State Laws for Quaker Parakeets

Sorry, but any band you put on him wont make him legal. A closed band can only be put on a chick when they are young.

The following page shows the difference between open and closed leg bands.

Choosing Your Bird

The only way to place a closed leg band on an adult bird would be to break one or two toes.

I would suggest contacting your local agricultural department about it since you bought him without a leg band.
I wouldn't tell anyone about your illegal quaker. Just see what you can do to make him legal. You don't want some idiot on a power trip to take him away.
The only way to make the quaker legal would be to contact the officials about it and see what can be done.

That, or cause a lot of pain to the bird. Open leg bands are not acceptable as per the info. Has to be closed.
Figure out some way to make him legal without telling anybody. You just give someone a funny look and they could get your bird taken away if they wanted to.

Maybe go on vacation to a state where they are legal, and get him a band there.
MonicaMc is correct.. for the bird to be legal, it MUST have a closed band. No open bands. There is no way to "make" your bird legal. Either brave it and plead ignorance when asking officials if there is a way you can keep your Quaker.. or keep quiet. MANY people own Quakers in states that are illegal.. and never get caught or officials never find out. What's a small town cop going to do? Most of them couldn't care less if you have a small green parrot. They don't even know what a Quaker is.
The big problem you may run into is vet care. If you take your Quaker to the vet and the bird is outlawed, they are required to confiscate and euthanize it.
I hope everything works out for you and your bird!!
Of course you can "make" him legal. Take a little trip to a state where quaker parrots are legal without a band and get him banded there.

It's already been stated it must be a closed band! You can't get a closed band on an adult bird!
I don't know anything about the US laws but I would do whatever it takes to keep mine, if I were in your position. If that means keeping him illegal, so be it. I'd start looking out for a vet that will 'keep the secret' because when birds need vet care, they need it quick and you can't then be bothered with a vet that will be compelled to confiscate and put down the bird.
I would never give up my Percy, legal or not. And I've only had him 3 months. You've had your bird for 3 years!
I truly hope it all works out for you!
MomtoPercy, kenzie will have trouble finding a vet that will "keep the secret" because if they violate state laws by failing to comply they could lose their license. I doubt any vets will risk throwing away 8+ years of schooling plus "x" many years in business. Unless you have very lax vets around there?
Do you have the contact info for the person you bought the bird from? If so I would contact them and inquire about the band. Perhaps it was removed by a vet for a medical reason. If so there is a chance you can track down paperwork about the band.
MomtoPercy, kenzie will have trouble finding a vet that will "keep the secret" because if they violate state laws by failing to comply they could lose their license. I doubt any vets will risk throwing away 8+ years of schooling plus "x" many years in business. Unless you have very lax vets around there?

Point taken. I hope something can be done that won't cost someone their licence or Kenzie her birdie :)
Great idea Mattroma! Hadn't thought about the band possibly being removed. Very valid point, and worth looking into!

Was the bird in question bought in Virginia? Or across state lines?

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