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Aug 7, 2024
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A cockatiel named Cheeto
Hi there! I have a 1 and a half year old female cockatiel named Cheeto (because of the orange cheek patches), and I am so glad to be able to join this community of bird owners!
Hi there! I have a 1 and a half year old female cockatiel named Cheeto (because of the orange cheek patches), and I am so glad to be able to join this community of bird owners!

Welcome aboard to you and Cheeto!! Please don't forget to post some pics of your girl when you can, cos we love baby photos around here 💖 And i think a pic of her would go very nicely in our Photo Of The Month contest too ...

**Dances into the thread, Sings 'hello my baby, hello my darling', throws popcorn for everyone and dances back out of the thread again**

Yes I'm weird, LOL. Hello to you!

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