Just joined from New York!


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Pearl River, NY
3 white bellies
Hi, I have three White-Bellied Caiques.

Kenny, a six-year old female, is a beautiful, powerful, loving bird who I keep telling her, is too fat to fly. Currently, she needs a pedicure which she will probably get this week. Kenny has a great memory. She is particularly good at remembering who she owes a bite to, and when that person comes back to the house - even a year later - she will attempt to even whatever score for whatever wrong she believes exists.

Lee-Lou is a male about 18 months younger than Kenny, and has been romantically involved with Kenny since he met her. Lee-Lou is very smart - but not as smart as he thinks he is. When he is out of the cage he opens and closes the latches on all the cage doors and swings the doors. He has this down to a science. He can't figure out why this does not work when he is inside the cage however (lucky for me I guess). Lee-Lou is a lot more shy than Kenny, and will typically run away first, then approach you. He is particularly fascinated by hair - perhaps because he doesn't have any. When Kenny is hatching an egg (or trying to), Lee-Lou becomes the protector of the cage. Come too close and you do so at your own risk!

Junior showed up on May 17, 2012, the product of one of Kenny and Lee-Lou's trysts. Junior resembles the father both in appearance and attitude, although Junior still has a few black feathers and some black in the beak.
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How fun!? I bet your house is full of energy! Welcome and please share some pictures!
Welcome to the forum!! I'll bet your Caiques are beautiful!!

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