Just for fun... Some funny pics of Raven and Griffin


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
My boys do so many entertaining and at times downright hilarious things that I just had to share some. :) Too bad I miss the majority of the good or really funny shots since I don't have my phone in hand at all times. I need to find my digital camera... Please excuse the iPhone, the colors aren't always that great or accurate.
Here are Raven and Griffin. Out of the 4 birds, they are the ones always up to the 'stunts'. Griffin always hangs and swings like a little monkey, and always has his legs far apart which is hilarious, but unfortunately I haven't been able to capture the moment yet. Enjoy! :)

Some cute butts...

Looks like Raven found a comfortable 'grate perch' lol

Raven in his "bathtub" Check out the turquoise underwings of Bronze Winged Pionus!

Hey Raven, come here I have to tell you a secret...

Raven in his Kleenex box (toy box). I've shown this before but thought it was worth posting again ;)

C'mon Griffin, THIS is how you hold food in your hand, not like that!
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Awesome pics, thanks for sharing. Looks like these two are becoming BFFs. You gave me some great ideas, the Kleenex box is awesome!
Thank you for sharing Raven and Griffin's super cute photos. Love the, "telling secrets" pic. Adorable little fluff butts.
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Those are adorable! They seem to be quite the buddies.

They have become pretty close. They still argue a lot though lol.

I'm thinking that the only way a Poicephalus can become friends with another bird (besides in a pair situation) is when the Poi is introduced very young AND is the newcomer.
How cute! I love Raven's underwings, they're iridescent like butterfly wings:11: Looks like Raven and Griffin are on their way to becoming good buddies. I bet once Griffin learns proper birdie etiquette, those 2 will be best buds:D

I don't know about POIs and their natural social structure, but I do know that after 40 years together, Lucy and Barney (zons) still get in little fights every so often. Never harm each other, but they'll certainly nip at each other, do flashy displays or chase one another if one does something "rude":20:. But once the offended party has made their point, they're right back to being best friends:) Obviously, you don't want birds fighting to the death or causing one another injury, but I think it's pretty normal for them to squabble a bit, and is probably not a bad thing to let themselves express their feeling the birdie way so long as they aren't actually hurting each other.
Love these pics, Julie! As always, I enjoy stories and pics of your guys' antics. I especially loved the telling secrets pic.
They cracked me up! And Raven's underwings are gorgeous, I had no idea they were that colour. I love the pic of both of them eating as well:)
I think all the pics are wonderful, nothing wrong with your phone camera at all (except we need more pictures!)
Those two make quite an adorable team. Thanks for sharing!
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How cute! I love Raven's underwings, they're iridescent like butterfly wings:11: Looks like Raven and Griffin are on their way to becoming good buddies. I bet once Griffin learns proper birdie etiquette, those 2 will be best buds:D

I don't know about POIs and their natural social structure, but I do know that after 40 years together, Lucy and Barney (zons) still get in little fights every so often. Never harm each other, but they'll certainly nip at each other, do flashy displays or chase one another if one does something "rude":20:. But once the offended party has made their point, they're right back to being best friends:) Obviously, you don't want birds fighting to the death or causing one another injury, but I think it's pretty normal for them to squabble a bit, and is probably not a bad thing to let themselves express their feeling the birdie way so long as they aren't actually hurting each other.

I don't know about Griffin ever learning his boundaries and 'proper birdie etiquette' with Raven LOL. Griffin is very "take charge" and Raven is more laid back (with Griffin), though with humans their behavior is different. Raven "tries" to put Griffin in his place, but he isn't deterred. Raven would have to be much more forceful with Griffin in order to get the message accross, and I don't really want that since Raven is quite a bit bigger. Maybe Griffin will change when he's older.

I also was referring to Poi's unwillingness to befriend other birds. Many Other Poi owners will tell you too! ;) As far as how they are in the wild, I think they are typically found in pairs or smaller groups. Not normally huge flocks like conures for example. I got lucky that Griffin was BOTH a baby and the newcomer when he was introduced to Raven. Otherwise, Griffin being a Poicephalus, they'd never get along!
Raven's underwings are gorgeous! I always love when my eckie puts his wings up and I get to see the red and blue. It's so adorable, that little flash of color.

I love those acrylic ceiling protectors that you have.
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They cracked me up! And Raven's underwings are gorgeous, I had no idea they were that colour.

How cute! I love Raven's underwings, they're iridescent like butterfly wings

Raven's underwings are gorgeous! I always love when my eckie puts his wings up and I get to see the red and blue. It's so adorable, that little flash of color.

Thanks! I don't get to see the turquoise under his wings (and tail) too often, but I love when I catch a glimpse of it. It's as irridescent and bright as the picture. :)

Terry, what color are the underside of Pisces' wings? I'm curious since White Capped and Bronze Winged have some similarities in color. I'm also taking a guess that Talli's are green?

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