Joey, my male Red-bellied Parrot


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Piper - Peachface Lovebird;
Shade - Senegal Parrot;
Joey & Pixel - Red-bellied Parrots;
Petey & Zuri - Meyer's Parrots;
Léa - Cape Parrot
Joey is my 6 year old male Red-bellied parrot.

I got him when he was just shy of turning 3.

You can read more about how I got him here:
Joey the Red-bellied Parrot

We had to work on trust at first, but he's now quite a wonderful feathered companion and a complete clown, owning true to the Red-bellied reputation as such.

A few pictures of him :)





He's so handsome, and I loved reading about him! Just poifect<---too cute btw! thanks for sharing.
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He's so handsome, and I loved reading about him! Just poifect<---too cute btw! thanks for sharing.

Thanks! I do find him quite handsome if I say so myself :D
I took a parrot training and enrichment class this past weekend and couldn't help but imagine your birds, as they always look so engaged with their toys and activities. I suspect they are very happy little fids :)
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I took a parrot training and enrichment class this past weekend and couldn't help but imagine your birds, as they always look so engaged with their toys and activities. I suspect they are very happy little fids :)

Thanks, such a nice thing to say!

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