Jet ate parakeet pellets


Active member
Jan 14, 2015
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San Antonio
Cora lovebird
Sky parakeet
My sunflower seeds come in a hard plastic jar. Jet knows this. I can't eat them if he's on my shoulder because as soon as I pick up the jar he is right there wanting them.

I decided to mix up a seed..pellet..dried veggies batch to make feeding easier. They came to me on a seed diet and I need to convert them. Lately I've fallen into just feeding seeds and I want to do better. I decided to put the mix in empty sunflower seed jars. Jet came over to investigate and started eating out of the jar. I picked up a pellet from his mix. He tasted it and spit it out.

Then thinking maybe any pellets are better than seeds I put some parakeet pellets in my hand and offered them to him.

He ate them.

Could I keep feeding him these so he will at least eat pellets or is this a bad ideal.

Also I have noticed that if Jet (tiel) eats it Ace(parakeet) is more likely to eat it.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that nutritionally cockatiel pellets and budgie pellets are the same, they are simply a different size. (Assuming they are the same brand, of course.)
I don't know I bought my pellets in bulk. I can call or go to the store tomorrow and find out.
The pet store said the little pellets have 3x the fat 1.5 percent more protein and 3.5 more fiber
What brands are the two kinds of food? Do you know what Jet likes more about the budgie food? Colors, size, texture? How are they different?
Zupreem. If I had to guess I would say the size. The bigger pellets my pinkie nail could hold 1 on top. I could turn my pinkie over and hold one, almost 2.
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Well, according to the Zupreem website they both have exactly the same ingredients and protein and fat ratios. I'm not certain your petstore people know what they are talking about... I couldn't find anywhere on the Zupreem website where it said Zupreem Natural small is any different at all from Zupreem Natural medium other than in size. :)

Zupreem Website w/ Ingredients


Thanks for finding that for me. I had looked but couldn't find that info online. Sometimes I miss having a computer.

I'll just keep buying the smaller pellets then. Now that I have got Jet eating them Ace should start.

I think it's cute Jet associated the container with food and accepted what was in it as food.

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