Jess and her vets visit.


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Sep 7, 2006
Jess (the old gal) had to go to the vets yesterday, she's been having trouble with her back leg and is finding it very difficult to walk, it turns out there is a lot of crunching going on in there, very bad arthrisis. I asked the Vet about her quality of life, hoping for the usual answer, she's fine, but this time I didn't get that all she would say is to give her the meds (metacam) and she'd be able to tell us more next week. :( (That kinda hit hard.) The metacam will help with the pain and inflamation, but could damage her liver and lungs, she would need to be on this for a long time, possibly the rest of her life.

Jess has gone from being my old gal, to being my ancient gal (the vets words) and although I really didn't want to think of her that way, thats just way she is. She doesn't move from her bed, has very sad eyes now and shuffles rather than walks. :(

We have to take her back next week and the vet will be able to tell us more about her quality of life, so until then she is being throughly spoilt (more so than usual) and we will wait til next week to hear what the vet can tell us. I'm hoping that I'm thinking the worse case and the vet will say quality of life good, but I have tried to prepare my self to hear something different. Don't think I'm really prepared :17: infact I know I'm not.

I'll let ya all know what happens next Wednesday after 5.00 pm my time.
:30_angel: here is a little angel to watch over Jess. My heart goes out to you, Peta, and your family. I will keep Jess in my thoughts through the week.

My Fly (Border Collie) was on Metacam and we saw results within the first week (she had one of the worse tri/bi-cept pulls my vet had ever seen). I'm hoping that it will, without side effect, offer relief to Jess.

Dote on her silly and let us know the results of your next appointment. (Quality of life issues never seem to be straight forward and are NEVER easy :( ).

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Thanks Deanna, Metacam is a wonderful drug, we started this yesterday and you can see the difference in her now, she is able to put a bit of weight on it now, I will let everyone know how we get on next week, and in the meantime she's getting spoilt rotten. :D
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After having a couple of doses of Metacam, the pain is subsiding somewhat, this morning Jess thought she could run around like a puppy, unfortunately she did and her legs gave way now she's in more pain again. :( How do you explain to an Ancient Gal, that just cos they pain is subsiding the underlaying problem isn't . :D Anyway she's happier in herself today so thats a good thing. (Think its probably all the extra spoiling and treats she's getting)
I really feel sorry for your dog!I love dogs but I can't have one at the moment..I think that spoiling her is the best you can soothe her pain together with the medicines.I wish the best news from the vet for her!:51:
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Thank you so much, I'm also hoping for good news, but trying to prepare myself for not so good news, preparing myself is not working I can tell ya. So I try not to think of it at all. :confused: We've had her for so long and she is such a good girl its hard to think of her as anything other than the little devil she was when we first got her. I'll have to get a pic of her and get it posted. (I have one or two I can tell ya :D)
Can't wait to see her!Dogies are adorable!The best commitment that man has made with nature..

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