Jenday suddenly Afraid


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Hello everyone. I have had my Jenday named Tiki about 6 months. I got him from someone's break up and he was a very loving immature bird. I am assuming he's hitting adolescence (and there is some second guessing going on here as well, but I have not done anything out of the ordinary..)

So far now Tiki's been an awesome, very loud, playful bird. His favorite things include peekaboo under a blanket and taking showers. I currently share my home with a blue crowned conure named Rizzo (I refer to him as a cantankerous old man when he has his 'grumpy BCC' moments). The two of them will hang out (outside of their cages, housed separately) but they aren't into each other or anything (presumably they are males, but unverified).

Tiki has been a normal destructive baby until about 2 days ago. Now he is blatantly afraid of me. I mean run into the corner of his cage "don't take me out don't touch me afraid" and if by chance he is out and he needs to be moved back to his cage he's in full blown fright mode.

Is this adolescence, or have I clearly crossed some birdy-boundary?? He eats normal, will come close to me for bird-junk food but wants nothing to do with me otherwise.

It's okay that he's his own bird, but the outright fear - is this a test? do I have a bird that's not meant to be a pet? Note: Tiki is not aggressive; if I pick him up he does not bite down hard, just enough to let you know he's totally not okay with what's going on. There aren't any new additions to my house and I live alone. I work long days, but they get my attention first thing in the morning and throughout the evenings until I cover him at night.

Any ideas? What can I do? Am I misunderstanding?

Other questions:
Where do I go from here? What should my approache be? I recognize every parrot is different; any ideas are appreciated.

I have experience with blue crowns and greencheeks.
Where do I go from here? What should my approache be? I recognize every parrot is different; any ideas are appreciated.

I would approach calmly, and with food... :D something this bird can't resist.

Let the bird come to you. Something probably spooked her. Offer the right thing, and let her make the first move, and all will quickly be forgiven.
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thank you I will keep trying that. I only post because it's been DAYS. Hard not to take things personally :)
Pretend to Ignore her. Do something she finds interesting, preferably involving food or a favorite type of toy. Possibly playing with the other bird in front of her letting HIM get all the attention and fun... make her crave that.

Let her make the first move.

Don't take it personally. Fear isn't rational. It's instinctive.

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