Jack -abused amazon


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Aug 20, 2007
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orange winged Amazon named Jack and a double yellow headed Amazon named Terri and 4 cockateils
Can anyone give me a little info please I have a parrot 15 years old almost 16 now and he was severly abused --neglected medically, emotionally, and mentally he was physically hit with perches and is afraid of fast movement hands, and strangers... I have tried the approach of giving him space which worked well getting him to bond to me but as far as attention he shy's away from loving unless it is a quick rub and done... he does not ever get locked in his cage, he stays on top of his cage. I have tried to get him to let me hold him on my lap or hands rather than always on my shoulder but he does this panick attack thing where he pants horribly and his temp seems to rise. this scared me so bad that I have never tried this again as I know birds/parrots can be easily stressed and I did not want to cause any medical problems.. I also am hoping it is not to late to train him to stop using me as a poop tray LOL but do not want to over do it being that he is 15 I know that it is fairly young for his being an Amazon but just checking to be on the safe side. Thanks for any advice Hugs Angel.
I guess he is the one in your avatar....
Well calm down first of, I feel you are a lot stressed not unreasonably though..
I have a rescued amazon as well.But thank God he was not abused physically, he faced other things, I'll tell you if you want in some other post..

You know, Jack is going to need time...And I mean real time....He is on a very good way, you have done a lot of progress together as I understood...
Please be patient, this could mean that sometimes he may go one step forward and two backwards..

Try keeping the cage in a lower position of that of your eyes, amazons tend to become dominant if they are higher than you..

I also am hoping it is not to late to train him to stop using me as a poop tray LOL but do not want to over do it being that he is 15 I know that it is fairly young for his being an Amazon but just checking to be on the safe side.

It's not late for anything.He is 15 afterall not 90:D...It will only take some time more that usual..
My amazon was abused as well but fortunately for me (and him) he only hated men and I was able to handle him. I don't understand how people can do this to animals.. I'm glad you got him away from that. He still hates men and I haven't pushed the issue on him.. I probably should.

I would try just speaking softly.. don't force him to be held. Especially with the anxiety attacks he seems to be having.. it's going to be really slow going.
Has he been, or is it possible to bring him to an avian vet, to rule out any sort of disease/ breathing problems?
When he gets comfortable with you just being nearby and moving around nearby, I would try offering special treats, things you know he likes, by hand. Eventually you could have one hand close to him and another hand higher up so he has to climb onto your hand to get the treat.
Other than that I would just praise him and show him as much love as you can, I'm sure, eventually, the poor little guy will realize your 'cool' :)
Good luck with Jack, he's very lucky to have you!!
Right I have two that reacted just like your amazon did Errol and Flynn. They are not amazons, one is a RedRump, and one a Rosella, I just gave them enough time to let them trust me. as soon as that was accomplised we moved onto the next step. You amazon doesn't yet know that what he has had to put up with in previous homes isn't going to happen again, once he realises that then you can really start to gain his trust. and work from there.

I don't have amazons but there are plenty here that do, that I'm sure will offer you their help. The most important thing to remember is that this is going to take time and lots of patience. Its so hard when all you want to do is get hold of your fid and tell him that nothing bad is ever gonna happen to them again. I really do wish you lots of luck with this, You have made great progress so far so take it slow and you will succeed. Please let us know how you get on with
Thank you sweetie,
I have his cage on the floor as I know they can be dominent in higher placement but his cage is 4ft high by 5ft wide and well I am 5'3 so it put's me a little higher than him. I have rescued many animals including raccoons dogs cats bats squirrels snakes and wild birds but I have never taken on a parrot that has been soo abused, mostly they have been neglected or mistreated by owners who did not want them for the love and affection but rather they wanted them for talking abilities instead. I have delt with biters and pluckers and ones that would not let you hold them but that was usually due to no attention rather than being physically abused. I love jack with all my heart and want him to know that he is safe and that I would never do anything to hurt him. Huge progress has been made he used to be so scared he wouldn't come out of his cage or let you bring him out, he wouldn't step up, now he doesn't like going in his cage except at bed time and even then every morning I get up he is back on the top he steps up onto me he gives me kisses and he nibbles my ear to let me know he is anoid but he has never bitten hard except for my hubby he drew blood twice with him. my hubby still tries to get attention from him but it doesn't work unless I put jack on him and then he is ok with my hubby.. I am not stressed with jack or his situation just saddened that he has gone through soo much and just wondering if he will ever learn to be happy again if he ever was he was a "Breeder bird and his mate was bred to death but all this was about 3 years ago now.. he still doesn't know what toys are he is frightened of them I try to get him to watch terry or the other teils playing but he just yells at them I was just hoping some one could tell me that they had some tips for severly abused parrots any ways Thank you so very much I know it will take time just not sure why he pants and temp goes up when you try to hold him or give him lovings. Hugs Angel
Right I have two that reacted just like your amazon did Errol and Flynn. They are not amazons, one is a RedRump, and one a Rosella, I just gave them enough time to let them trust me. as soon as that was accomplised we moved onto the next step. You amazon doesn't yet know that what he has had to put up with in previous homes isn't going to happen again, once he realises that then you can really start to gain his trust. and work from there.

I don't have amazons but there are plenty here that do, that I'm sure will offer you their help. The most important thing to remember is that this is going to take time and lots of patience. Its so hard when all you want to do is get hold of your fid and tell him that nothing bad is ever gonna happen to them again. I really do wish you lots of luck with this, You have made great progress so far so take it slow and you will succeed. Please let us know how you get on with
Thanks peta, I will continue to take it slow instead of trying to get him to let me hold and love him. and yep it is very hard to not be able to just snuggle him and let him know He is safe and loved now and that he is with us for life.. I will try to figure out how to post pics of him now so you can see just how special he is to me gotta run and get kids to study tho as school starts soon and I will have six in the school this year Hugs and Thank you to all Angel
Thanks Sarah,
Yep Jack has seen a vet and has been checked as the man that has him never took him to see a vet, he was in a cage that was so small he couldn't move his claws had to be cut from his perch and his beak was touching his neck he had to have quite a few proceedures done just so that he could eat again. all said and done it was around 1200.00 he doesn't have any respratory problems that they told me about and they did alot of test on him because of his health and poor condition, I will definately try the treats again as I usually give in and give him a few daily well Thank you to all for the suggestions and help Huggers Angel
I've never worked with an abused Amazon, but I've worked with a couple of abused parrots and other animals. The one thing they always lacked was consistency in their schedule. They were treated as an object to torment at any time, perhaps denied food for days and then given a feast, etc. Such humans who do this should be well-punished and humans who care for these animals have a special spot in heaven reserved.

I wouldn't be afraid to cage your fid - but rather than cage use the word house or home. Your fid has known life to be unexpected so if you can put together a schedule where it comes to know, and trust, what a general day will bring (in/out time, food and water change, etc) that may go a long way. In addition, don't be afraid to turn on the radio or tv to a station where it's pretty much the same every day. In other words, you can help your fid adjust to the 'schedule' because there are other cues as to the schedule. It's not scary when a certain DJ comes on or a certain show is on because that show cues your fid that you'll be home/it's play time/dinner is served. Even the evening news may help.

Also, the quick movements that are so scary. Try reading the newspaper or a book around your fid and every now and then read TO your fid. It's a time when your fid can observe you and gives it a 'stop and listen' time. Sounds crazy, but just taking a back seat but involving your fid.

Jack is right now reacting to everything because as a survivor that's how he survived. Try getting him on a schedule and letting him study you in way where physical interaction isn't necessary may help.

If you haven't already, there's a great book called My Parrot, My Friend that may help. Also, talk with your vet and with shelters. They may also have some wit and wisdom regarding abused animals. Maybe it's a dog or cat their more familiar with but you can possibly take those gems and adapt to your situation.

God bless you and him!!
I have no ideqa if these will come through or not but here is one where jack had allowed me to hold him for a few minutes I was very happy but after I noticed his feet were getting hot and he was starting to pant which really made me feel like a bully :( Hope you can see all of these Hugs Angel


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Keupi,Thanks sweets I will definately pick this book up. I haven't had much luck with using techniques for dogs with the birds, I guess I have just never run into this situation before, Loco took a few months but he learned not to bite fairly quick with him I would spray my finger with a bitter and every time he went to bite I would use the sprayed finger and he quit, also clipping his wings seemed to help with his cockyness and just constantly holding him usually around night time so it was just me and him and no noise from the kids, and he was rewarded with honey treats. as far as Jack his favorite treats seem to be grapes you would think maybe a nut or something but nope it's grapes.. he doesn't like many fruits but I don't think he got them where he was and maybe that is why... Terry my Double yellow head was worked with by my uncle and she was fairly easy, she has missed alot of attention the last couple of years due to their health problems and that is how she came to me He wanted to pass her on to some one who was stable and home not always off and due to my 8 children I am always home any ways and I do some rescues so that also keeps me home and usually feeding young by bottle treating them with meds for malnutrition and or illness. Thanks again so much I will definately get this book and see if I can get ahold of our shelter here I think we only have one here in alberta at least for birds any ways.. Huggers Angel
Keupi,Thanks sweets I will definately pick this book up. I haven't had much luck with using techniques for dogs with the birds, I guess I have just never run into this situation before, Loco took a few months but he learned not to bite fairly quick with him I would spray my finger with a bitter and every time he went to bite I would use the sprayed finger and he quit, also clipping his wings seemed to help with his cockyness and just constantly holding him usually around night time so it was just me and him and no noise from the kids, and he was rewarded with honey treats. as far as Jack his favorite treats seem to be grapes you would think maybe a nut or something but nope it's grapes.. he doesn't like many fruits but I don't think he got them where he was and maybe that is why... Terry my Double yellow head was worked with by my uncle and she was fairly easy, she has missed alot of attention the last couple of years due to their health problems and that is how she came to me He wanted to pass her on to some one who was stable and home not always off and due to my 8 children I am always home any ways and I do some rescues so that also keeps me home and usually feeding young by bottle treating them with meds for malnutrition and or illness. Thanks again so much I will definately get this book and see if I can get ahold of our shelter here I think we only have one here in alberta at least for birds any ways.. Huggers Angel

That's great that Jack will let you hold him. You truly have a nature which is a gift to troubled animals.

Jack loves grapes. Go with it! Have you tried kabobs?

There may be the one place to start. Offer them at about the same time daily or twice daily - I'd go with twice. It doesn't matter whether he eats anything else at that time just that he knows he's getting his grapes at that time. That's your consistency foothold and his 'crutch.'

Maybe you could use the grapes to help him with other things. For example, give him the grapes (that he loves) and read the newspaper in the morning. He may be skittish about the page turning but he's more wanting of the grapes. Even if he doesn't touch the grapes when your reading, leave them there for him to enjoy later. Eventually, you can read (quietly or to him) the paper while he eats the grapes.

Or, with your flock, if there's a time when they all receive their food, give him his food and his grapes.

Believe it or not, but the grapes may be Jack's 'security.' If he's latched onto those, then work into the grape spectrum. Don't use them as a 'treat' but use them as a mainstay to help him get over his skittishness. He will always have his grapes but at the same time you set up the normalcy.

God bless you!
That's great that Jack will let you hold him. You truly have a nature which is a gift to troubled animals.

Jack loves grapes. Go with it! Have you tried kabobs?

There may be the one place to start. Offer them at about the same time daily or twice daily - I'd go with twice. It doesn't matter whether he eats anything else at that time just that he knows he's getting his grapes at that time. That's your consistency foothold and his 'crutch.'

Maybe you could use the grapes to help him with other things. For example, give him the grapes (that he loves) and read the newspaper in the morning. He may be skittish about the page turning but he's more wanting of the grapes. Even if he doesn't touch the grapes when your reading, leave them there for him to enjoy later. Eventually, you can read (quietly or to him) the paper while he eats the grapes.

Or, with your flock, if there's a time when they all receive their food, give him his food and his grapes.

Believe it or not, but the grapes may be Jack's 'security.' If he's latched onto those, then work into the grape spectrum. Don't use them as a 'treat' but use them as a mainstay to help him get over his skittishness. He will always have his grapes but at the same time you set up the normalcy.

God bless you!

I will definately try this and let you all know how it goes I have never thought of reading to him allthough at night I have to admit from the time he came here to his new home I felt sad for him my heart bled knowing all he has been through, and so I sing him two songs every night he really seemed to like it and his eyez would slowly close as he gave a big yawn so definately think this might work as he took to the songs well Thank God for singing lessons when I was younger LOL I have not tried kabobs but will definately give it a try I know he likes his meat and eggs maybe I will just add stuff that he really likes to it and see how he does. Thank you so much for all the advice you all have given me Blessings to you all and good night my bed time morning feedings come early Huggers Angel:)
My god. I can't believe the poor guy has been through that. It's just awful. I'm so glad you got him away.. Everyone has given really good advice. I'm sure it's going to take awhile but in time he should be able to live his life without that awful fear & his painful memories.
Obviously My amazon, Rocky, was not treated as badly as Jack but he was beaten by a man. The girl he loved and was supposed to love him, apparently didn't care enough to do anything so I'm sure that hurt him emotionally as well. (seeing her in the room but not receiving help from her)
He is my most cuddly bird, he loves to just sit on me and cuddle and preen my hair.
Even if he never becomes a super cuddly buddy, I'm sure Jack will get better than he is now. Just going to take a lot of time & patience, which doesn't sound like a problem for you.
The reading thing is a really great idea. I read aloud to my birds a lot. I usually read Dr. Seuss books, or other kid oriented ones. They aren't usually interested in the pictures but they love to listen to me talk.
I sing to my birds at night before bed, they all have their own song. I'm sure Jack will come to really love this, probably more than my birds because, unfortunately, I had no singing lessons. :eek:
My god. I can't believe the poor guy has been through that. It's just awful. I'm so glad you got him away.. Everyone has given really good advice. I'm sure it's going to take awhile but in time he should be able to live his life without that awful fear & his painful memories.
Obviously My amazon, Rocky, was not treated as badly as Jack but he was beaten by a man. The girl he loved and was supposed to love him, apparently didn't care enough to do anything so I'm sure that hurt him emotionally as well. (seeing her in the room but not receiving help from her)
He is my most cuddly bird, he loves to just sit on me and cuddle and preen my hair.
Even if he never becomes a super cuddly buddy, I'm sure Jack will get better than he is now. Just going to take a lot of time & patience, which doesn't sound like a problem for you.
The reading thing is a really great idea. I read aloud to my birds a lot. I usually read Dr. Seuss books, or other kid oriented ones. They aren't usually interested in the pictures but they love to listen to me talk.
I sing to my birds at night before bed, they all have their own song. I'm sure Jack will come to really love this, probably more than my birds because, unfortunately, I had no singing lessons. :eek:

Dr. Seuss is great! The rhyme-thing would come naturally with inflection and parrots love the diction and dictation. Once again, it's like a 3-5 year old and what works... Dr. Seuss works. What a great idea! I usually read to the animals I worked with from Erma Bombeck. It was clean (no cursing) but I could also give the necessaries (while also, bless Erma [RIP], laugh a little)

I also sang, a lot, to Keupi last year. I also sound like... well a dying crow to put it mildly (and per family). However he does love the hokey-pokey and will shake a foot toy appropriately.
Not sure if I missed this or not, but how long have you had Jack?
Angel I have a rescued Amazon who is 29 years old. She came from at a bad home where she was neglected and abused. With her it has been a slow process especially since I let her do everything when she is ready not when it suits me. She will not Step Up has been afraid to be touched until recently. Now we can touch her head and beak. Still not allowed near her wings or tail. Just be patient and Jack will be ready someday. I have many great names of books that I will list here later and a great training video. There is a great parrot store in Calgary, if you go there soon you will have to check it out. Hundreds of toys for every kind of bird. :D

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