I've decided on a Senegal! Male or female?


Jan 29, 2014
5 Congo African Greys, 2 linneolated Parakeets,
Is there a difference in the sexes of these birds! I hear males aggressive and bold and females a bit more easy to handle? Then I hear they get broody and moody? Just wondering which would be best, thanks in advance!
My preference is to choose the one that choose's you!

You will find that they get it right far more often then us Humans.
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I agree!! That makes the best match! Unfortunately, I have to put a deposit down as they are about 3 hours away, one has been sold and 2 left to be DNAd. They are still young and they said they go fast. Hopefully my choice will work out as well, thanks for your reply 😁
I agree!! That makes the best match! Unfortunately, I have to put a deposit down as they are about 3 hours away, one has been sold and 2 left to be DNAd. They are still young and they said they go fast. Hopefully my choice will work out as well, thanks for your reply 😁

If you have still not placed a deposit, please determine at what age they release the chick to the new Owner. Also, will the chick be 'fully' weened - that being it has been on solid food for at least two weeks! Or, will you need to participate in providing the chick some formula each day as it transitions to solid food.

FYI: Far too many chicks are being released to an 'new' Parrot Owner that are not fully weened - this can be the source of many behavioral problems! There is a major push to release chicks far to early to improve the 'profit' picture of the Breeder /Store. This is combination of Buyers looking for the lowest price and the Selling willing to release chicks early to meet that lowest price.

Do Not Buy Any Baby Parrot That Has Not Been Fully Weened - On Solid Food For At Least Two Weeks!
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I agree with what you said, however the chick will be fully weaned and fledged before he or she comes home with me, even though I have handfed many chicks in my 55 yrs, I don't want to do it now and will wait patiently until the baby is more than ready. The baby is 6 weeks and will still be there for another couple months or so
I agree with what you said, however the chick will be fully weaned and fledged before he or she comes home with me, even though I have handfed many chicks in my 55 yrs, I don't want to do it now and will wait patiently until the baby is more than ready. The baby is 6 weeks and will still be there for another couple months or so

It is heartwarming to hear that you have come across someone that cares so much to not only ween, but fledge prior to releasing to the new owner! When Parrots come from such great sources they are far better adjusted and loving! Its been a very long time since I have heard of this happening, it is just so rare these days. Congratulations to you and a Thank-You to your Breeder!
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Yes they seem like very reputable breeders, thank you for your kind words, I have always wanted a Senegal but never found one in need. I almost rehomed a 25 year old grey instead (as I love the Greys!) but really didn't want to add another dusty species although in truly would've loved to. I have the large size Austin Allergy machine but don't want to blow it up! Lol
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Lol I just noticed a bunch of numbers and a funny looking emoji in my post,not sure how it got there as I clicked on just a smiley-- Don't know how to delete that!

In the lower right hand corner of that Post you should see a button titled 'Edit.' Select it, make the change and then in the same location you will note the button has changed to 'Save,' select it. All should be corrected.
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Thank you Sailboat!😄

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