I've been sort of afk these days ...


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
Okay, I've been kind of afk of late. Lots of stuff going on.

I don't know who (if anyone here) knows this but I am going through a divorce that I am doing on my own (meaning without a lawyer - can't afford one). Anyways, it's nearly the time when things get filed, and my stress level is about as high as Mars. This is the main thing. If I am short with anyone or come across like that please forgive me. I'm really a sweet, kind person.

Also, yesterday afternoon my house nearly burnt down. I live with my mother (part of the effects of the divorce thing) and a housemate. The housemate is an over-confidant male that will simply not take hints or advice when it is very very necessary unless something tragic is about to happen. NOT a prevention type of person.

Anyways, he decided putting hot dogs in a fry pan on the stove on a far too high temperature, then going into his room and falling asleep would be something worth doing. I don't know how long he was away from his pan, but it caught on fire. I was in my room with the birds and my cat, door closed. I was just dozing off for a nice Sunday afternoon nap and the birds start going insane. I'm talking screaming and biting each other and they have never done that before, then I smelt smoke.

I grabbed something to cover myself with and rushed out of my room and closed my door behind me. The living room is right there and it was filled with grey smoke from ceiling to floor. I saw my mother sleeping on the sofa and as I rushed past her I whacked her shouting "wake up the house is burning".

So I go into the kitchen and turn the ceiling fan on (I know, not a good thing to do if theres a fire but hey, it happened). Anyways I see there isn't actually any flames (at least any more), and the pan is out on the deck (housemate put it there).

So I am panicked a bit right, and I'm telling the guy how fv(#ing stupid that was and my mother, who is now in the kitchen with me, tells me to shut up!!! What!! I said not to got here and to open some windows and try to get the smoke out. The guy was just standing there!

So I opened the bathroom windows (right next to the kitchen), then go into the living room. Coughing I got the window open and the front door open. When the door opened a poof of smoke flooded out and across the street.

Then I ducked back into my room to check on the birds. They were fine (and all in one cage - lovies only) so I closed their cage door and opened the window and turned the fan on high then went back out (door closed).

Anyways, everyone is fine now and there is no damage other than the s/s pan he charred (I thought it was a non-stick pan from looking at it - it was pitch black on the inside with two fleshy colored wieners in the middle).

So my stress level has been kind of high and I found I was fighting being snappy so I kind of stepped away for a bit. Some things have settled a bit but please understand if I am a bit b!tchy.
Wow that's intense. Glad everyone's okay.
Hey thats enough to send anyones stress level through the roof. Don't worry about it, we'll give you a big e-slap then a big huge e-hug.

Seriously though, you haven't been stressy or bitchy to anyone just yet and if it does happen I'm sure that we'll all understand.

Think what we need to do is give this roommate a big e-slap and a good shaking.

You just take care of yourself and know that whenever your feeling down you can come on here and have a good ole moan, we are here for you.

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Yep, me too.

About 2 years back the house that WAS standing next to this one burnt to the ground. That house was about 3, maybe 4 at most feet from this house. My then husband (the one I'm divorcing) and I had just gotten in from going out that night and were getting ready for bed (we lived here right after getting married - long story). I looked out the side window and nearly fainted - I had heard a low poof sort of sound and thats what had me looking outside. The house there was half ingulfed in flames in seconds and after whacking at my husband I called 911 while he woke my mother up. That time our house nearly caught on fire ... a window cracked from the heat and the gutters melted. There was nobody in that house so they let it burn under control. There was nothing to save anyways.

Now there is a vacant lot thats over growing with wild flowers and other such vegetation.

I hate fires.
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Thanks Peta.

My mother explained to the guy that he could have killed us all - he was very freaked. I don't know why he needs to be told these things though. He doesn't SEEM to have any 'disabilities'.
You just look after you, you shouldn't have to be worrying about what he's doing, you certainly don't need that on top of everything else.

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(((Peta))) I know I shouldn't HAVE to but I have a serious allergy to dying in a house fire. I'm funny that way.
Yeah and thats the sort of thing he should be thinking about. I also have that same allergy. :D
hi indi girl! (((many hugs)))

first, i'm an idiot ... what is "AFK"? :confused: :eek:

second, i am sorry you are having a difficult emotional and mental time with your divorce. there are few things that are as stressful as what you are going through ... and many people just do not understand the toll it takes on a person. i hold you in my thoughts ... chin up (as best as you can) and give 'em hell!

as far are the :eek: :eek: :eek: fire!!! OMG ... first, so glad NO one was hurt ... very, very glad the fids were not injured/killed by the smoke. my only thought as i read through your ordeal was dump the pyro-housemate and get someone who is responsible toward you and the others living within your home! mercy me, i'd have taken a bite out of his behind and sent him packing! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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lol age is not an excuse, but now you know :)

I'd get rid of the housemate, but well, finding even remotely decent people is impossible around here it seems. We've had ad after ad up for GOOD people and out of roughly 10 roomies, only one was good. The only reason she left was because she was moving in with her girlfriend, but she was all teary as were we when she left.

We have had things stolen, vandalism, *poor* (sorry, can't let that one slide ~ TEX) additudes etc etc ... stupidity, unfortunately, is the least offensive. I think he "got it" though. The room would not be rented if we didn't have to rent it. Oh and did I mention *rant rant* dude walks around in his underpants *shuddder*

Edit: Oh, and the divorce, it's about as simple as possible ... not going for support or anything ... just not worth the fight ... besides, I won't need his money anyways.
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lol age is not an excuse, but now you know :)


Oh and did I mention *rant rant* dude walks around in his underpants *shuddder*


darn, the age thing USUALLY works well :p

um, a pyro walking around in his panties would most definitely give me the utter *shudders*!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :vomit-smi
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two words: chicken legs *shudder*

Edit: also, well, lets just say its no doubt the man is single ;) ... tighty whities don't hide much :vomit-smi :vomit-smi :vomit-smi
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it was pitch black on the inside with two fleshy colored wieners in the middle.

I'm sure if you had it your way there would have been three in that pan ... :eek:

You haven't been bad with any of us, infact, you seem just as friendly as you always have, but like I said before, Christy is the jealous type and doesn't like seeing other gals on my lap, so you are going to have to move again! ;) But really, I am flattered! :p
OMG I'm soo sorry!!!!

You're not weird about the fire thing I've never been in one but I'm terrified of the thought the two things that scare me the most are fires and rape.

Here's sending hugs your way:40::heart:
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Tex: keep in mind I have had the misfortune of seeing him in his undies .... well ... yah I'm not saying anything more.

birdcrazy: check your PM in a moment.
Tighty Whities first thing in the morning is bad enough, but all day :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

What a sight to be greeted by.
two words: chicken legs *shudder*

Edit: also, well, lets just say its no doubt the man is single ;) ... tighty whities don't hide much :vomit-smi :vomit-smi :vomit-smi

LMAO!!!! once i saw i a guy in a thong. Dont ask how. I did. actually it happend when i was walking with a couple of freinds. He was walking his dog, he was wearing sweat pants. When he walked away you could see the undies showing, since he really needed to pull his pants up. lol. And also when he bent down to pick up his dogs special present you could also see a huge line. haha ok i told you the story and i said i wasn't so there ya go.

omg i never even said anything before.

OK Im sorrey you had to experiance that. Luckily i live in an area where its pretty safe and not many things like that happen.
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lol ... obviously you do not live in downtown Vancouver then lol.

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