It's MY corn!


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2014
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South Africa
Congo African Grey
So today in my ongoing efforts to introduce Nigel to new foods, I gave him corn on the cob (cooked). For a few minutes he just looked at it, I thought it may take a few tries to get him used to corn on the cob.

A few minutes later, he's gobbling it up to my surprise and pleasure! Once the corn was visibly destroyed I tried to get him to come out and hang out with the rest of us. I was met with great displeasure and grumbles as if to say, "This is MY corn, leave me alone! I must guard it!" He's done this twice...super cute.:)

African grey life, never dull!
So today in my ongoing efforts to introduce Nigel to new foods, I gave him corn on the cob (cooked). For a few minutes he just looked at it, I thought it may take a few tries to get him used to corn on the cob.

A few minutes later, he's gobbling it up to my surprise and pleasure! Once the corn was visibly destroyed I tried to get him to come out and hang out with the rest of us. I was met with great displeasure and grumbles as if to say, "This is MY corn, leave me alone! I must guard it!" He's done this twice...super cute.:)

African grey life, never dull!
Hee hee looks like Nigel has found a food he really likes and he is not sharing it with any of you or leaving it either in case you steal it back while hes not looking :) glad he ate it for you and enjoyed so much .
And this is how happy we are after eating...couldn't keep the sandman away. He's sleeping right next to his beloved corn.
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Nigel wants to guard what's left of his corn, even while napping! How adorable!
Oh that's cute! Cooked, huh? Got to try that, Salty is not fond of raw corn. I want to know whose cooking for these guys in the wild.
Our CAG adores corn on the cob!! He holds the entire 1/2 cob in the air with his foot, and gobbles it up. The cob, too! Looks like a kid eating an ice cream cone...
Newest favorite after corn is green beans...almost an obsession.
Like Michael McDonald, I keep forgettin to do corn on the cob for Perjo.

Her new favorite is watermelon. Really enjoys various peppers too.
No matter what Nigel's favorite food, when I give him his shower (he tolerates it and there's no option you WILL have a shower) I try to regain his acceptance with his favorites. Today, however, corn and green beans are not winning a forgiving look.

For a while I'm out of his majesty's favor!

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