It's Mink's Birthday!


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
My English budgie girl is 1 year old :). I was able to get some nice pics of her today, enjoy!

happy hatch day Mink! You are a beautiful lady.
Happy Happy Birthday, Mink! You beautiful girl!

Fabulous photos, Julie!
Those are adorable pictures! What is that toy in the second picture? It looks like something I might be able to get Peep and Perry to enjoy when we have them out.
She's adorable. I have always loved her name, too. Happy Birthday, Mink!
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Thank you so much all :) Mink really appreciates your well wishes!

Chocobofun: It's called a Jolly Ball. They make them in 4 sizes. I got this one already decorated at a store. Some dealers will sell the ball only and you have to assemble it with the chain and toys yourself. There is so much more I can do to it, but haven't gotten around to it yet (I've had if for over a year lol). I know this reputable seller here. Jolly Balls

That is the second largest one, the 10". It's a good versatile size for a small Amazon sized bird and under. Harvey and your budgies can all use it (maybe at separate times) :). IMO the super small ones are just so small, especially for species with a long tail.
Happy Birthday, Mink!!! WOW, time flies! A year???

And your gorgeous girl doesn't look a day older than.....4 months? :D

Sweet pictures! Ever single one of them. She is so so pretty. I love the one of her sporting a baseball cap. Whoever managed to put that on her did an excellent job with it. :heart:
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Thanks! :)

An interesting little thing about Mink's eyes... even at a mature age she still has dark eyes. In budgies of her coloration, the mature color would 'normally' be a white iris ring around the pupil. I've been told that this means she is split to recessive pied mutation in her genetics. Not that it matters since I'm never going to breed her. Although, I was actually secretly wishing she'd keep the dark eyes because it's so cute! ...and then to my surprise she did. I guess this confirms she was meant to be :).

I've had parrots long before I got into budgies, but I will always have budgies. I love them.
Happy Hatch Day, Mink! Love all the photos of your beautiful girl.
Happy 1st Birthday, Mink!!! That's a beautiful girl you have there, Jules! And what a sweet set of pics! How did she enjoy her special day?
Happy belated birthday to the beautiful Mink:D She is so pretty Julie.
Mink, Happy Belated Birthday, you Gorgeous Girl!!! Looks like Mama spoils you:)
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Mink thanks you all! She did enjoy being spoiled. Stephen, to answer your question, I let her play in the "big playland" with supervision while the boys were locked up. She had fun exploring :).

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