It's been a bit. Kiwi and Loki update!! (Pics and their new cage!!)


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
So as you know I've been trying to find a good cage for them. I've been putting off ordering a brand new one in hopes I'd find a good deal on craigslist. Luckily, I found this monster(well, for conures anyway!) the guy who had it used it for sugar gliders, and they sold the sugar gliders without their cage(whoever was buying didn't need it I guess) so he sold it to me for $125! Not bad for the size. So of course I took it home and re-cleaned it, they had cleaned it pretty nicely but it's been sitting in a humid garage so it was sort of yucky. It looks rather empty, but hey, it's much better than their old one!!
Also, we've started letting Kiwi and Loki be "free range" birds. Last night was the trial-run for them sleeping outside of their cage(Or atleast with the cage open, so they could choose.) and we moved their snuggle hut to their playstand. They happily slept in the hut on the stand and didn't make a peep in the morning! Usually they yell as soon as we're awake. Plus it's nice being greeted, sitting up when you first wake up and having Kiwi fly to my head.. haha. Silly.
We're doing more bird-proofing since they sleep outside of their cage (we cleaned the place up real nice, not keeping dishes in the sink, toilet lid down or the bathroom door shut, etc.) however they really don't go anywhere as long as they can see us, which they can from the stand. So it works out nicely.
Me, Brad, and Kiwi also hit a new milestone as far as our bond. She's always been "my" bird, meaning that she's bonded to me and everyone knows it. She flies to me when she's on her stand, follows me everywhere and flock-calls to me if I shut the door while I'm in the bathroom. The other day Kiwi let me pet her under her wings for the first time- and it was a great feeling! Knowing she trusted me like that, she never has before. I know it's a sensual thing so I'm not doing it often at all, but it's still nice, yknow?
And yesterday I demonstrated for Brad, so she stepped up on him and though she was somewhat hesitant, she let him scratch her too! It was really a cool thing, hard to put into words. Even though we don't scratch her there often, it's still a nice feeling that she trusts us, for sure.
Anyway! Now that I've done enough rambling.. without further distractions.. their new digs!!!

Their new ladder I made for them!! (AKA stringy chew toy..)

And their new cage!!

Sweet new digs, Ashley! $125? Nice! And I like the setup with the ladder from the cage to their play stand! Knowing you, that cage won't be bare for long.

"Free range birds," eh? Love it! I couldn't even think of doing something like that with Bixby! He'd most likely eat the house while I was sleeping! Lol! But I'm so glad it's working out for Kiwi and Loki.

Keep those updates coming!
Awesome. I sure hope to get a larger cage soon. Did you make the springy rope perches too?
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Thanks guys! :)
Stephen: They're both clipped, but Kiwi can still fly, but they just don't feel the need to get into trouble. We've had them long enough that they understand what is and isn't okay. Like the top of the TV.. it's "not" okay if we're in a bad mood, but as long as they don't chew the kinect most of the time we don't care. XD Same thing with flying to other cages to check them out. Definitely a big no-no. So they stay either on us or on their cage/perch anyways.
tlfisher: Check your local craigslist! That's where I got both of my big cages(for my conures and my eclectus.) you'll have to clean em a bit but sometimes you can find really good deals. I didn't make the rope perches- I ordered that online, and it's probably my favorite thing ever haha. is pretty neat. I'll be ordering from them again sometime this month for some new toys and maybe a couple perches hehe :p

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