It's 97 degrees outside in the shade............

lol nut loves ice for what ever reason, i pop one into her water dish an she'll spend ages bobbing it till she can throw it out lol, then its like ohh lets see how long i can leave my tongue on it :)

tiki looks well happy with that ice pop :)
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hahahahaha, yeah, she has gotten to where when ever she see's me with one of those icy pops, she'll start fluffing up her wings like she is ready to take flight and starts jumping up and down on her cage tapping her beak on the cage until I go over and give her some of the pop. Talk about demanding hahahahaha!
It's was 105 yesterday. Back in la now. Beautiful 78 Degrees
But in calcity. Antelope valley. It will be low 100s every day almost maybe high 90s on a nice day haha. And all the babies are inside loving modern technology A/C haha.
lol mike i love it when they PUFF with excitement :)

and i would dread to think of your punishment should you not share!!!!
Do you make those? :) And if so, what do you use? :) I have seen some youtube videos of a Senegal who loved ice...
Okay, I wasn't so sure if I could use the store bought ones :)

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