It has been a long time.....


New member
Mar 19, 2010
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Hi all!

It is me again. It has been awhile since I checked in. I started posting on this board because I HAD a biting problem with my Green CheeK Conure, Cracker. That does seem like a long time ago and a galaxy far, far, away. Now, I love Cracker just as much as I loved my dog GG (Good Girl-not very original but she was a good girl) and my cat, Storm. Cracker is a "hands on" bird. He loves his scritchies, and being close to me. If I am home, and not in bed he is with me. He will follow me around the house (except the kitchen and the bathroom which he has learned are off limits). I know it is rather controversial but I do not clip Cracker's wings. He is free to fly around the apartment, so long as I am around to supervise. Most of the time, however, he is content just to hang aound with me.
Cracker is not much of a talker. All he can say is his name. I am sure he is smart enough to learn how to speak, if I would put in the effort to train him. He knows his name and will come to me when I call him. He likes to preen the back of my neck, and also likes to crawl up the sleeve of my shirt and come out through my collar. Another one of his favorite antics is to hang upside down from my finger. When hanging upside down he likes it when I give his belly a rub. I have not potty trained Cracker. When I am with Cracker I wear dollar T-shirts which I purchase from the salvation army, and have handy a box of baby wipes in case Cracker decides to do his business.
The reason I got a parrot is because I wanted a friend and a companion. Cracker has been a homerun in both respects. As an added bonus he is small and does no mind being left alone when I go to work. Nor did I need to spend a ton of money on a cage to house him. He is also very quite. I bet my nieghbors would not even know I have a bird, if they did not see me taking him to the Vet for a check up or to get his nails clipped. The cost and noise factor ruled out owning one of the larger parrots. I find it hard to believe that one of the larger Parrots such as an African Grey, an Amaon parrot, or one of the Mcaws, would be a better companion than Cracker. For those who want a parrot and are on a budget, I would look into adopting a Green Cheek Conure. I do not think you would be disappointed with that decision. I know I was not.

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