Is your senegal potty trained?

Mine kind of is =D Haha
First thing when he comes out of his cage he goes to his perch to poop. Then as long as i put him back on there at regular intervals he will go there instead of on me. My Eckie was toilet trained but i think its a lot easier with the bigger birds.
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Hey freespin! Did you have to actually train him to do that or did he just kinda, figure it all on his own?

Also, hows your little guy doing now that hes been with you for a couple months longer ? :)
oh gosh im so sorry! I forgot to reply to your message. I will do that now with all of the details included =D
I wouldn't recommend trying to teach them to do it on command because that can cause other problems, but teaching them to do it in a specific area isn't too hard. With my two sennies I know approximately how long before they need to go and at that point I put them back on their cage and pick them back up after they've gone. Didn't take them long to get used to this routine.
Sidney is kind of trained. Somethings that he picked up on his own and partly learned through training. If he knows that he has to go, sometimes he will make a little squeal and fly back to his cage to go. Other times he goes where he is at. I do put him back in his cage at regular intervals and tell him to go poop which he usually understands. Overall I have about a 75% success rate with avoiding messes.
When Robin is on his cage door or the perch on the outside of his cage, I say "poop" and unless he really can't go, he'll even push out a tiny piece haha because he knows that means he can come over and sit with me. I'll take him back at about 20 minutes so he can go again. BUT if I wait too long, he will not hesitate to just poop wherever he is.
My Sennie pretty much trained herself. She will just fly to her cage to go then comes back. I can't take any credit for it, she is just a tidy girl!
My little guy isn't "potty trained" but he doesn't poop on me. He will usually wait until I place him on his play gym. If he has to go we will stick is butt off and poop on whatever is available if I don't place him on his play gym often enough, but never on me unless he is mad.

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