Is this what moulting looks like in Alrxandrines?


New member
Dec 22, 2023
I have 3 Alexandrine Parrots.
Two males and a female.
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Poor baby is looking a little rough! But yes, moulting can look like that, some are heavier than others, but it seems to me there are plenty of new feathers growing in :)
Thankyou 😊.
We were given this boy and his girlfriend a couple of months ago. They also have been showing this behaviour - why are they fighting like this?


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Thankyou 😊.
We were given this boy and his girlfriend a couple of months ago. They also have been showing this behaviour - why are they fighting like this?
To be honest there could be a number of reasons for the "fighting" behaviour. Most likely related to hormonal/mating type behaviour, perhaps one is a little keener to mate than the other! I once had a cockatiel hen and rooster, where the rooster would go overboard and become VERY aggressive towards the hen if she showed even the slightest interest in him, and I often had to intervene to prevent her from being injured. Fortunately they had separate cages so I could cage the hen until the rooster had calmed down. In the wild, one bird can always fly off and perhaps seek the companionship of a different flock member if things become a bit too heated, but in our homes they don't have that luxury. If your pair do not have separate cages I'd recommend you look into obtaining one. They can still have plenty of time together outside the cage but it's good to have separate quarters so that they each have a safe space to retreat to if either one becomes overly amorous.
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Interested in any websites or suggestions to buying/making some bird toys for my Alexandrines.

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