is this normal


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure
So Daisy seems to sleep ALOT she is just a little over 8 weeks so is it normal for her to sleep alot more than any of my other birds? Sidney was 12 weeks when I got him and he crawls in his happy hut right at 10:30 every night Misty will stay up around the clock if I don't cover her and just doze her and there. Daisy will get up and eat and play for a little while but she takes lots f naps during the day. It is probably my fault for staying up till 3 cramming for a major quiz last night:)
We put Ham to bed at about 8:00 everynight ... and every morning he wakes up around 7:30 ... that's a lot of sleep, but I don't think he naps during the day ... maybe for like 1/2 an hour ... but most of his sleep comes at night ...

~ Tex
Iggy naps during the day regardless of what time I put him to bed...and lately I've been much better at getting him to bed at 8 and getting him up at 7:30 :) But if there's not much going on and he's bored, he sits on his playgym and naps during the day as well. So I would imagine it would be even more acceptable for a young bird...Hope that helps...
Haha, "threadjacking", good term. But in short, no, he's being just as terrible...screamed ALL DAY yesterday, regardless of what we did...I really hope this is hormonal and stops in a month or so...
Kelli, Kito is the same way, he has been playing for a while now, but when I looked round he had collapsed in a heap and gone to sleep, head tucked under wing eyes closed tight. He will sleep for a while then want to play again. As Daisy gets older she won't need to sleep quite as much.

Bucc will usually have a quick nap around 12.00 but thats it then until his bedtime at about 8 pm.
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ok thanks guys she's the youngest baby birdy I have had so I wanted to be sure she is already gaining weight and she is stepping up real regualry now. I don't know if I will be able to put her outside :)I will definitly keep her inside for another month or two and maybe put her out in her regualr cage a couple times.

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