Is the dad conure being too rough with the babies?


New member
Nov 18, 2021
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Skittles (Green Cheek Conure)
So early this morning my conures egg hatched and i noticed whenever the mom is out of the nest the dad will go in there and pick up the baby and move it around, is that okay and when is it considered too much?
So early this morning my conures egg hatched and i noticed whenever the mom is out of the nest the dad will go in there and pick up the baby and move it around, is that okay and when is it considered too much?
Bumping you up.
Good morning and congratulations on your new feather baby! Questions:, how many eggs and is this their first clutch? Do you have any other birds around? If it’s only the two parents, then you’ll be just fine. If they were going to reject their first hatchling, they would have done so by now. If it’s a first for them, then the excitement is new for them too. 🥰
My only experience is with cockatiels.
It’s just my opinion but not all parrots are fit to be parents.

My breeding pair of Tiels started plucking their babies feathers on the second clutch.
I had to separate them from the parents.

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