Is leaving the radio/music on annoying?


New member
Sep 7, 2011
miami, fl

I've heard bird owners say they leave the tv or radio on for their birds for entertainment and to encourage talking. I've though it to be annoying, imagine trying to take a nap with all that non stop noise! but at 8 months Zazu (Senegal) barely tries to talk although he's a very good whistler and that he does all the time, when he does try to talk its more like vocal sounds not really a word you can understand. so now am wondering if i should leave the radio on for him while he's alone at home, which is not for long periods of time.
any thoughts or suggestions?
If a bird wants to, he can sleep through the song or tv. My birds are happy when I play music.
I leave the tv on for River when we go to work. I put it on Nick Jr, I figure lots of colorful stuff, and nothing I don't want repeated. I always tell him to learn to speak spanish off of Dora while I'm gone lol.
I leave the radio on for my guys when I leave.
They like to listen to music.
If I forget, they'll tell me. My conure will say "Hey" real loud instead of "bye bye", so I know they know the difference.
I usually leave music on, but it is usually a background music. It is not loud but soft so that they can tune it off easily if they want to.
Yes I leave the radio on for my GCC so that it sounds busy in the house when we're gone but he can just tune it out if he wishes. Jungles are pretty loud places so I imagine they like the chatter. :)
If you can put up with the noise yourself, it shouldn't be a problem. My amazon LOVES having music on, but he tries to compete with the sound. He likes any loud noise really; the microwave, the dishwasher, the washing machine, the kettle boiling, the vacuum cleaner... Anything that makes noise gets him wound up and he starts rattling off all of his vocabulary as well as any other noise he can think to make.
I leave cd's playing for Mishka while I am at work. It has hundred's of words he has learnt, sentences and phases. (all in my voice) I added whistling tunes as well as some songs. At night we sit and chat for over an hour, I am amazed how Mishka puts different words together, making new sentences.
When I am home, and play them for him, he sleeps whenever he wants to, it does not disturb him.
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As long as it's not full of really loud, scary noises, parrots will be fine with the TV or radio on. They will even sleep with it on. Think about it...the jungle at night is far from a quiet place. Parrots in the wild have to sleep through all manner of nocturnal animal sounds, some of them quite loud.
I always leave the radio, CDs, or the tv on for my boys. I snagged a folk music CD from someone who didn't want it, thinking they would like gentle, acoustic music. They do!!! They chirp nonstop through the entire 78 minutes of that CD - in a happy way. I can tell when they don't like the music, they seem nervous and quiet down rather than chirp. My quest continues to find their faves, so that I can always offer them.
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yeah that makes sense, i guess ill start getting him used to continuous noises, dont want to end up with the bird version of a greyhound, lol. Ill start playing my Disney playlist, hopefully the learns the lion king songs ;)
My macaw likes dance music...he dances if its a song he

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