Is it okay to play bird calls for my new bird?


New member
Dec 29, 2016
Quaker Parrot
Hello! I recently got a new quaker yesterday and he is still very uncomfortable being in his new home. I started playing quaker bird calls for him and he started responding! I was wondering if playing these calls for him was cruel or if it made him happy?

Does he show any signs of distress when it stops? You can also play the TV, or Radio. Folk here play cartoons for their birds, my Plum doesn't seem to mind good old BBC Radio 2. :)
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Does he show any signs of distress when it stops? You can also play the TV, or Radio. Folk here play cartoons for their birds, my Plum doesn't seem to mind good old BBC Radio 2. :)
He doesn't seem to mind too much when I stop playing it. He goes straight back to what he's doing. I'll try and play some tv shows and see how he reacts also! Thank you!
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After watching him a bit more I think that stopping the bird calls makes him stressed. He screeches for a bit longer than he makes a low quick purring noise. He's moving around his cage a lot and eating his food. Is this a sign I should stop?
Hello and welcome! Congratulations, quakers are amazing! Your little guy or girl just arrived yesterday, everything is brand new and scary. Bird calls, music or TV may help your bird to calm down but the new kid will probably need time to adjust. A nice cage and set up, good food, fresh water, a variety of perches of different sizes and textures and plenty of toys will make him or her more comfortable. All birds are individuals, some need longer to process a brand new environment than others but most will need at least a few days.
I'd make sure your Quaker has plenty of toys in his cage, plenty of foraging activities as they love to chew and pick things apart, and plenty of things to chew on. Quakers are very smart and love interaction, so he also needs hours of out of cage time each day, and a lot of interaction with you every day. Playing the TV or radio is great, they love music, my Quaker sings and dances when music comes on. But a couple of toys is not nearly enough, and they need changed often, otherwise he will get bored very easily and start screaming, biting, etc.

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Yesssssssssssssssssss, lots of good advice above. After things settle, I'd suggest a variety of music, radio, tv... see what your little darling likes. Some are not too particular; some are. My Patagonian LOVES J-Lo... honest. Picks out her tunes to mimic, out of all the stuff he hears on a music channel. Back in the 90s, he loved Paula Abdul. You'll get an idea of what your darling likes by watching for mimicry, "dancing", excitement, etc.
Good for you for reaching out! Glad you found us.

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