Is feline luekemia transmissible to birds?


New member
Nov 6, 2011
Pyro, my new baby sun conure
I am going out of town for two days and my mom is going to watch Pyro at her house. Her cat has feline leukemia. Is this something that is transmissible to Pyro and can make him sick? If not, is this something he can carry home to my 3 cats and make them sick? I meant to call his vet and ask her, but life got away from me and now the office is closed. I am leaving early tomorrow morning. My other option for Pyro is to leave him home and my mom and mother in law can drop in to check on him and play with him and feed him from time to time while I am gone. Any advice is appreciated.
Nope it's feline only! C:
And it's also very unlikely to pass to your own cats unless your bird is rolling in their spit, water, or feces, and then does the same with your cats at home.
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Thanks. I was pretty sure that was going to be the case for Pyro, but I wasn't certain he couldn't bring it home to my kitties. :) I looked on the internet but didnt see much info out there.

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