Is E600 glue safe after dry?


New member
Jan 31, 2016
Sydney, Australia
Māui (white bellied caique)
So I pulled out the prevue Hendryx travel carrier today to wash it down so itā€™s all ready for bringing Māui home, only to discover a horizontal bar on the side panel has plinged out of its weld exposing raw metal!

ā€œThatā€™s no goodā€ I thought and promptly went off to find the receipt, warranty card, and take photos to send to Prevue requesting a replacement panel. Thank god for warranty terms!

However, itā€™s unlikely the replacement panel will arrive before I need to go pick Māui up (company processing plus international mail does not bode well). So I sat outside and glued it down/coated the tiny join with some E6000 from my costume making supplies.

Now Iā€™m wondering if E6000 is ok around birds once completely dry?
This is just a temporary fix until the new panel arrives, even if I may still keep this panel in case of some kind of emergency (like an elephant sits on the carrier but only the replacement side is broken >_<)
I canā€™t find any safety information on the product once cured. It is not listed as food safe, a red flag! The SDS sheet only gives information on uncured glue. I would not trust it!
It has a pretty extensive warning label--I used to use it for jewelry and it is supposed to be allowed to dry for more than one day after application and it definitely off-gasses during that time (they are pretty clear about the fact that it is an extreme carcinogen and that if you touch it, you are supposed to flush the area for a million years etc etc).

After a few days, it is safe to be around in terms of smells but not safe to put your mouth on.
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Personally, I would avoid the use of any glue.

We have a temporary repair on Arika's cage that we patched together with a bolt and two pieces of wood.

Would it be possible to put a small piece of wood on the inside and out, then clamp them together with a bolt and nut? If so make sure you use stainless hardware (nothing zinc or cadmium plated).

Enclosed photo shows what we did to her SS cage.

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Personally, I would avoid the use of any glue.

We have a temporary repair on Arika's cage that we patched together with a bolt and two pieces of wood.

Would it be possible to put a small piece of wood on the inside and out, then clamp them together with a bolt and nut? If so make sure you use stainless hardware (nothing zinc or cadmium plated).

Enclosed photo shows what we did to her SS cage.


Iā€™ve already used some glue so canā€™t really get it off now. And Māui isnā€™t coming home for another 3 weeks so plenty of time for it to dry and off gas.

The bar is literally right in the back corner so I can put something over it. I really like the idea using some stainless steal to cover it! I have some spare SS washers and nut from a spare perch, Iā€™ll just stop by Bunnings and get a small SS bold and screw the washer right up in the corner as an extra precaution.

I only need the carrier for the 40min driver home, and heā€™ll be strapped into the front seat next to me. This temporary fix with the precaution should be fine for that until the replacement side panel arrives.

Thanks everyone!
They can't get you a replacement within 3 weeks time? They sort of owe you, as you were sent a faulty product and are expecting a new bird. I think they could get it to you sooner if you state your case.
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Iā€™m in Australia and it took 4 weeks for our carrier to be shipped over here from America. I donā€™t really expect any different for a replacement side panel. Plus Iā€™m not going to get answer to my email until sometime this week, and ina fortnight weā€™re travelling to America for a wedding. As soon as we get back (1 day after) Iā€™m picking up Māui to come home.
I wish theyā€™d be able to get a replacement panel out here fast, but I seriously doubt itā€™ll be in time for Māuiā€™s homecoming.
I donā€™t think the odor will be an issue after fully dry. Assuming this carrier is going to be used for a short trip home, I would just wrap some vet wrap or medical tape around anywhere the glue is (so he canā€™t chew the glue itself), keep an eye on him and call it good. If the glue was used on his main cage, Iā€™d get a temporary cage, even a way too small one, rather than put him for extended and unsupervised time around a glued joint.

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