Is Blue Throat Macaw same temperment as the Hyacinth?


New member
Nov 22, 2011
One male Meyer,
One male Ecletus,
One female Golden Conure
Hello, The Hyacinth Macaw is my dream/future bird, but can't afford it just yet. However, I've been researching and read that the Blue Throat Macaw has the same temperment as the Hyacinth. I've also read they are not noisy either. If you own a Blue Throat or have first hand experience with one, can you confirm the above? I'd also like to know if there is a temperment differance from a male or female?

Thank you,
I have several friends with blue throats. I would say they are not like hyacinths. They tend to be extremely active, yes they can be loud and they are escape artist. They are also buzz saws and need lots of wood toys. :)
Whoever said Blue Throats aren't noisy ?!
Seriously ?
Hy Macaws and Green wing Macaws are very close on personality. Blue Throat Macaws when young are complete cuddle bugs until they mature, they offen become nippy, very active.
Hy and GW keep their personalities when they are young to a Mature Macaw. Sometimes at 2-3 years old most macaws including the HY and GW go through the terrible 2s, once their hormones calm down, their sweet personalities seem to come through again.
Blue Throat Macaws are more rare and should be in breeding programs in my opinion. As Pets, the HY and GW seem to be making a come back, I now see more and more of them as pets. I hope to soon see more Blue throat Macaws too. Best of luck Joe
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Hy Macaws and Green wing Macaws are very close on personality. Blue Throat Macaws when young are complete cuddle bugs until they mature, they offen become nippy, very active.
Hy and GW keep their personalities when they are young to a Mature Macaw. Sometimes at 2-3 years old most macaws including the HY and GW go through the terrible 2s, once their hormones calm down, their sweet personalities seem to come through again.
Blue Throat Macaws are more rare and should be in breeding programs in my opinion. As Pets, the HY and GW seem to be making a come back, I now see more and more of them as pets. I hope to soon see more Blue throat Macaws too. Best of luck Joe

Thank you JJones, after making several phone calls to breeders, they said the same thing you did. So now I will research Green Winged Macaws. Who ever has one out there, please tell me GW stories. I want to know about the chewing and noise level too. Thanks!
My Neleno on my profile picture is a Green Wing Macaw who is now 5 years old. Out of all the macaws Green wings are not know to be screamers or very loud. It's true that all Macaws can scream pretty loud but it is not normal for them to scream a lot, if so, there maybe a behavior issue or an ill Macaw.
Green wings are complete cuddle bugs but seem to be a one person Macaw. most Macaws are.
They love to eat and love spending time with the Family or where ever all the action is. They love to be in the middle of it.
Green Wings are very smart approx the same as a 4 year old child. They tend to figure out puzzels and learn tricks pretty fast and are easy trained using almonds or walnuts.
They love the shower. My Neleno has approx 75 to 100 words and most times will use them when performing an action, For example, If I cover him for the night, he always tells me good night or nite nite. When I feed him, he asks me if it's good.
Only when I give him treats will he say (Some) when my Guapo who has as many as 150 to 200 words talks and Neleno cannot keep up, he will tell Guapo to shut up Guapo Geeeeeeeze.
I take both my Green Wing Neleno and Male Eclectus Guapo everywhere i go that allows pets so they remain pretty busy and this also keeps them pretty social. Best of luck with you. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks Joe
Heres a GW story My friend Tom who owns the pet store I help out at was at work in this little town he had moved to just because they had no pet store (and never had had one) 2nd year he's working one day and a police officer come into the store "You the man who handles birds?" "Yes officer what can I do for you?" "you can come with me." "but" Tom said " The store I can't leave." The officer thought a minute and said "You have employees ?" "Yes sir, What is this all about?" "Have someone come up here so you can come with me, Now." Tom did as told and got into the policemans car they arrived a short time later at a home where there were firetrucks EMT the local dog catcher and three other police cars. They walk in and here is what Tom see an older man had died in his recliner and sitting on his arm not allowing anyone near was a Great Green wing Macaw and the dog catcher was looking at his catch pole which was now a pretzel. Tom took in this and saw a large cage with the name Grechtien on it so taking up his nerve he held out his arm and said "Grecthien Come Daddys gone be a good girl and come here." and she did! she turned out she was 18 yrs old and female and a very sweet bird (unless you had a catch pole ) she dearly loved lolly pops which she would dunk into water then roll into her seed cup and lick the seeds off. P.S. there were 200 other parrots in the basement Tom was given the ownership of all the birds by the mans family.
My uncle had greenwings when I was growing up. The one was pretty nasty to everyone except my uncle but was extremely intelligent and would actually remember me and my cousins names and call for us just like my aunt would. The other was friendly to mostly everyone but, like any macaw, had his moody days. He loved to dancing and would even try to sing to music. He would tap on things to get your attention and wasn't extremely loud but I'm a firm believer that it's not about the species as much as the individual parrot. When I was younger I raised 5 baby cockatiels from a breeding pair I had and even though every baby was from the same parents and they all got handfed at the same time and were all given about the same attention they all turned out very different. Keep this in mind when looking for bird. You should consider going to look at a parrot rescue for a macaw. I'm going tomorrow to pick up a new foster greenwing and he's a real sweetheart. Have a nice day.
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Green Wing?

My Neleno on my profile picture is a Green Wing Macaw who is now 5 years old. Out of all the macaws Green wings are not know to be screamers or very loud. It's true that all Macaws can scream pretty loud but it is not normal for them to scream a lot, if so, there maybe a behavior issue or an ill Macaw.
Green wings are complete cuddle bugs but seem to be a one person Macaw. most Macaws are.
They love to eat and love spending time with the Family or where ever all the action is. They love to be in the middle of it.
Green Wings are very smart approx the same as a 4 year old child. They tend to figure out puzzels and learn tricks pretty fast and are easy trained using almonds or walnuts.
They love the shower. My Neleno has approx 75 to 100 words and most times will use them when performing an action, For example, If I cover him for the night, he always tells me good night or nite nite. When I feed him, he asks me if it's good.
Only when I give him treats will he say (Some) when my Guapo who has as many as 150 to 200 words talks and Neleno cannot keep up, he will tell Guapo to shut up Guapo Geeeeeeeze.
I take both my Green Wing Neleno and Male Eclectus Guapo everywhere i go that allows pets so they remain pretty busy and this also keeps them pretty social. Best of luck with you. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks Joe

Thank you Joe. When you say they are a one person bird, does that mean that they prefer one person, but will still interact with other family members, or does it mean they will not like anyone else and be mean to them? We also have a male ecletus, and a golden conure, and a meyers.
Thank you!
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Thanks for all the information on Green Wings! I'm falling for them!
Yes, Green Wings are known to be a one person bird. My Neleno is completely spoiled with the amount of attn I give him. A friend of mine who Neleno knows very well will not have anything to do with them. Eventhough my Friend gives him his favorite treats, talks very sweet to him and still nothing. It's been 4 years now.
Neleno has no issues with my Vet who he goes to her and no problems. I have another friend who handles Macaws and owns a bird and pet store and Neleno will go to him.
My Guapo on the other hand my SI male Eclectus goes to everyone and anyone.
I belong to the Baltimore Bird fanciers where most members bring their birds to club meetings to keep all the birds social and some members have handled Neleno but not for very long.
There is another Male GW who goes to everyone, there is a female GW and her name is rosey who too will go to everyone.
I think it really depends on the GW you get, It's lots of work to get a macaw to trust many people but I would not say it's not possible. Best of luck Joe
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Thank you Joe. When you say they are a one person bird, does that mean that they prefer one person, but will still interact with other family members, or does it mean they will not like anyone else and be mean to them? Also, will the Macaw scream in the morning even if they are covered? I've been really lucky that all 3 of my current birds do not do the sun up, sun down screaming.
Thank you Joe. When you say they are a one person bird, does that mean that they prefer one person, but will still interact with other family members, or does it mean they will not like anyone else and be mean to them? Also, will the Macaw scream in the morning even if they are covered? I've been really lucky that all 3 of my current birds do not do the sun up, sun down screaming.
That is correct. They can choose one person and lunge and try to attack others. Covering your birds to avoid their natural morning and evening calls is not fair, not right, and can lead to unwanted and self destructive behavior. We have basically taken away breeding, flying, and their natural want to take away their natural desire to scream as well? If loud vocalization is not what you can handle, I would not recommend a macaw of any type.
Thank you Joe. When you say they are a one person bird, does that mean that they prefer one person, but will still interact with other family members, or does it mean they will not like anyone else and be mean to them? Also, will the Macaw scream in the morning even if they are covered? I've been really lucky that all 3 of my current birds do not do the sun up, sun down screaming.
That is correct. They can choose one person and lunge and try to attack others. Covering your birds to avoid their natural morning and evening calls is not fair, not right, and can lead to unwanted and self destructive behavior. We have basically taken away breeding, flying, and their natural want to take away their natural desire to scream as well? If loud vocalization is not what you can handle, I would not recommend a macaw of any type.

Thank you, I couldn't have said it better if I had tried.

Yes, ,most Macaws seem to be a one person bird and this means that they bond very strong with the one they love, There are always exceptions to the rule. I also know about 2-3 Green Wing macaws who go to everyone, they are use to people and have no fear of them. They are passed around at our bird meetings and enjoy the company of complete strangers so it really comes down to the the personality of the Green Wing or any Macaw out there.

I also know some Macaws who will interact with people like plating games or taking treats from a person without any issues, but don't try to pick them up or they become nippy.

So it really depends on how you interact with them, what the Macaw will allow you to get away with.

Best of luck Joe
Generalizations are good, but they are just that...

My experience with greenwings was quite different than most posted on here. They can be dominant, nippy, VERY loud and overall obnoxious / sometimes aggressive.
This may not be typical as I have met some really sweet ones to. Just be careful, and be sure to examine and judge the bird on it's individual personality.
Generalizations are good, but they are just that...

My experience with greenwings was quite different than most posted on here. They can be dominant, nippy, VERY loud and overall obnoxious / sometimes aggressive.
This may not be typical as I have met some really sweet ones to. Just be careful, and be sure to examine and judge the bird on it's individual personality.

Well, just my two cents here , was your opinion obtained from knowing one particular Greenwing or multiple ones ?
Parrots aren't born the way you described the GreenWings to be , they are made that way by people who aren't educated on what it takes to care
for parrots.

Just saying......

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