Introduction- Victor the Budgie Retranslations


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Hi everyone,
I may have posted in this forum a while back but it has been quite a long time as I have been very busy. My name Ryan Reynolds and I was the guardian of Victor the budgie and I am the owner of

Over the past few years I have been working on retranslating and improving the quality of Victor's Videos and audio files. The improved translations are up on youtube. I have to apologize that many of my earlier translations were off somewhat, and my abilities in both managing the software and translating what he was saying has improved over the past 10 year. As a result I have found that he was using much more context and was far more intelligent then I previously thought. Currently, I am redoing all the videos. One of the reasons for the revised versions is that he talked so fast, most people were having trouble understanding him. So I am posting both the original speed translation with captions and the slowed down one in the same video. Also people have found that they have a much better comprehension of the videos if they use headphones. Many of videos have already been updated and they are posted on youtube at this link YouTube - RyanRey2000's Channel

I also have quite a few audio files that I have been redoing as well in the same fashion. They are located on youtube at this link YouTube - RyanRey2000's Channel

There has been a lot of controversy about Victor over the past few years ranging from some people thinking it was not a real budgie talking, to others questioning the translations. Victor also talked much about God and spirituality, so that was another thing that many people have a hard time with. All I can say is that he had his own beliefs about a higher power and he changed mine, the more I listened to him.

Also, in the past, I can see why people questioned the translations. They required much improvement and I believe I have made some progress over the years. Let me know if you think they are improving and if you want to ask any questions, feel free, as I will try and answer them.

Oh dear...

This is going to be trouble.

On a totally unrelated note that I can't figure out why I am motivated to mention here I think it is quite important for patients to stay on their anti psychotic medications as prescribed.

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