Introducting "Scooter"!


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
After the loss of our beloved Mallory, we came up on a Lutino Cockatiel boy that needed love. I was told he was told he was pecked by other birds, he wasn't tamed, etc. I took him home and he hop right onto my finger and he is the sweetest bird ever. He's missing a toe and I dunno if his face feather and crown will ever grow back.



awww how could you just not love poor little scooter, he knows his in for better!!!
What a cutie, he will be so grateful to find a good home. Congrats
Congratulations! So happy for Scooter to have a wonderful home! :)
What an ABSOLUTE dear! Birds just know a bird person, don't they? He really looks like he's smiling.
He looks like he's smiling in those pictures. Glad you've given him a new home, I'm sure he'll settle in great. :)
I just have a soft spot guys, I couldn't help it....My partner loves Scooter and told me I did the right thing! :)
lol lookin at the pics kind reminds me of the 1st hair cut i gave my son!
Mikey what a cute little dude.

If i am not mistaken is he a silver mutation.
He's a Creme Lutino! I've had a butterscotch Lutino pied once, she was beautiful!!! Pearly Lutino are beautiful too!!! He's really a very very sweet bird, I really have no idea what they were talking about him not being tamed. He hissed on the way home, but the moment I put my hand in the cage he came right out and hop right onto my shoulders. He steps up great and lets me pet him. He doesn't hiss anymore, every time I put my hand in the cage, he hops right on out. He took off flying last night and flew right back at me right onto my arm. :)
Mikey, i think some people just aren't connected to parrots as much they would like or think they are. They don't even try & the blame is always aimed at the breeder or the bird. There is no consideration that the fault maybe just with the carer themselves. Some just jump to conclusions before they have even had time to access the whole picture. But then again i think the parrots know who the can trust:)

I must say he is a pretty bird. I have not had cockatiels for so long. I know there are a heap of new mutations now days.

I still have 3 boys though.
Welcome little Scooter. You sure are lucky landing on Mikeys finger, you couldnt find a more caring home than this one. You guys are gunna have a great time together. So glad you found each other.
What a cutie!!! I don't see why his feathers wouldn't grow back... but even if they don't, he's cute the way he is!! Give him some smooches for me!

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