Introducing two Senegals


New member
Nov 11, 2011
I want to socialize my two senegal parrots but its not going well. I have had my female, Peep, for about 6 years and acquired Rocky the male 8 weeks ago. Rocky is very mild mannered around Peep but she is jealous and aggressive going out of the way to attack him. Will she ever calm down enough to interact with him?
if its with each other, then have them in separate cages for now and do it slow would be my best advice

she could do some serious damage to him

just cos his a male does not mean she will accept him
I agree that this is not something you can rush. Make sure they have their separate, safe space, and gradually introduce them over time. I wouldn't let them have any unsupervised time together at this point.
You could put their cages in the same room a foot or so apart. They might get along better when the object of their jealousy isn't in the room, and it could help them bond, but don't expect it to go over quickly.

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