Introducing Jasper!!!


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
We just got him Monday as he was given to us in poor living conditions. His cage was disgusting and it stink badly so we threw his cage outside until I can sanitize it before bringing it back in the house. For now he's living in one of my empty cages. They thought it was a girl but my partner named him Jasper before I knew he was a boy for sure this morning. He was showing all the signs of being a boy of course that's how I

Jasper is beautiful!

I love hearing stories about birds being rescued from poor living conditions and placed in good homes!
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I wish I had my phone to record the video last night when he was bathing in the sink. I did not know how he would react to taking a bath. I turn the faucet on low and sprinkle some water on him to see what he's going to do, he seem to like it so I pulled the drain plug to fill the sink with water, he jumped right in and start bathing in the sink. He was sooooo cute playing in the water bathing himself.

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