

Aug 26, 2013
No not that kind, I mean feeling a strong bond with this feathered critter.

We have always had dogs and cats, and I thought it would be hard to beat the relation I have with the two labradors, or a few of the cats (Maine Coons mostly). Sure, I even have fun with the carp (they swim through my hands etc.) and even with the turtle (it splashes around when it sees me, it's 17 years old now). The dogs however really live in a symbiosis with us.

But... late at night, Oscar sitting on my finger, making his grinding sounds - only to be interrupted now and then with a happy soft twittering sound -, claws totally relaxed, one leg up in his feathers, from time to time looking back at me and blinking, it's something special. When his grinding falls away I just whisper a few words and it comes back instantly, almost like a cat purring.

Sure, they can be a handful at times, but watching TV together like this is one of the nicer moments in my life. :)
Anyone who doesn't think you can form a strong bond with a bird has never been owned by one. Glad you are enjoying your baby:) It is the sweetest thing in the world when they nap on us. Such trust, such cuteness!
Awww so sweet. I just love it when the're so content like that. Kiwi loves to just sit in my hand. Hand sometimes even falls asleep (not pleasant) lol but I hate to disturb her.

She and I have built up so much trust. Yesterday when I was in the kitchen she flew back and forth between me and her cage like 40 times. It's was a great bonding game she instigated. When she was done, she laid on her back in my hand for an out 5 min. Totally relaxed, something she does not do often. It was the sweetest moment.

Enjoy the bonds you make...
I don't get to enjoy these quiet moments with Kyo very often due to her high levels of energy, but when they occasionally do happen they really are special, aren't they? :)

Thanks for sharing. <3

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