Interrupted phone calls


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
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Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
I guess I must spend a fair amount of time on the phone especially since Covid has kept me at home, but suddenly over the last couple of days the phone rings, I pick it up and if he isn't already on my shoulder Syd flies immediately to take up his position next to my ear.

He then proceeds to compete with me chuntering away as if the call is for him. Most of his conversation is gibberish of course but it is neatly interspersed with all the English words he has learnt. He has inflections down to a tee but if I manage to persuade the caller to speak to him he looks from the phone to me as if we are all mad.

I am considering getting him his own line and number but I bet it wouldn't be half as much fun as muscling in on my conversations. :D
Hmmm, I have heard that there are several Amazons that are likely communicating via the internet after hours.

I have first hand knowledge of two Amazon's that have their own Credit Cards!

Get your guy his own phone and number you may surprised how much it maybe used. Especially during Hormonal Season! :D
My parrot has to interject on any zoom call etc (not in a bad way-- just in a very opinionated/conversational way)-- You could try including your bird before the phone rings and providing feedback as the other person talks...They just want that interaction so badly.She looks forward to a Zoom call every week--- I kid you not.
She also answers every phone call before I do "hello", "hello?" etc (no matter if it is my cell, or a landline, or a new ringtone---she knows).

She just really wants to be in on any flock conversation and I am her flock, so if it involves me, she has something to say (ESPECIALLY because she is like a frat boy in a bird's body and any party is a reason to get involved).

If I want to talk and don't want Noodles in on it, I either wait until it's someone boring (because she gauges her interest on my enthusiasm) or have the conversation in the bathroom (if it is something really important).
I also come from a family of VERY loud people who insists on LOUDLY commenting/questioning as you have a phone conversation, so this actually is natural for me LOL!
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This seems to be common trait. Skittles usually does his 'chirps' in numbers 2-5 but RARELY does a single chirp. Nearly every time he does a single chirp its when I'm scolding him while hes doing (or trying to do something he shouldn't be). Its his way of saying "No".

Also, he will often mimic my talking making soft little 'duck quacks' in unison with my voice. Like he's saying "blah, blah, blah, talk to the beak, blah blah blah".

He used to scream up a storm when I was on the phone (the first 2-3 years I had him, when he was 'spoiled'). I'd have to put the person on hold and then put him in a timeout while I was on the phone. Now, I just look over at him and say hi 'silently' and he's fine. If I just 'acknowledge' him every two or three minutes, he's fine. He also uses these times to try and get to my zippers on the coat rack. He's basically saying "pay attention to me or I'm gonna do something naughty".

I got myself a laptop a few weeks ago and he's already tried taking ownership of it. He likes to sit atop the screen and try and "catch" the mouse cursor. Sometimes, I play along just to rile him up. Last week, I was in a telehealth session with one of my providers and she said to me "what was that?" and before I could answer, Skittles stuck his head in front of the webcam again. It was so funny.
Pikachu always mumble along , and laughs when we laugh on the phone. But the worst is he trys to stick his head inside my mouth when I talk on the phone!! He thinks that's so funny, and it is, but its a real pain in the ... ! He started out trying to stick his beak in my noise, but he decided its more fun to try and stick his whole head in my mouth, only when on the phone..
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Pikachu always mumble along , and laughs when we laugh on the phone. But the worst is he trys to stick his head inside my mouth when I talk on the phone!! He thinks that's so funny, and it is, but its a real pain in the ... ! He started out trying to stick his beak in my noise, but he decided its more fun to try and stick his whole head in my mouth, only when on the phone..

That could be a really messy end! :04:
Wait, what? You dare answer the phone before obtaining Syd's permission and placing him on shoulder with favorite treat? :D
Wait, what? You dare answer the phone before obtaining Syd's permission and placing him on shoulder with favorite treat? :D

LOL chance would be a fine thing. Since lockdown he RULES!!

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